Monday, May 20, 2019

What Can You Do About Feeling Grumpy?

Another Grumpy Cat 
Today is a sad day for any feline lovers as the famous cat known as “Grumpy Cat” has passed away. She was only seven years old--considered young for a cat—but died of a urinary tract infection according to her owners.
“The blue-eyed cat with the withering stare and permafrown that suggested perpetual irritation . . .was not always Grumpy Cat. When she was a kitten, she was named Tardar Sauce. But before she was even a year old, a photo of her concave, grouchy look — the result of an underbite — made her famous, and her new name took hold.” (

Some of you may be animal lovers and some not, but everyone probably has heard about that famous Grumpy stare! It’s a condition that can affect any human too, especially when faced with a life-changing situation such as a divorce or even a death in the family. Just ask, how often have I felt grumpy lately?

Turning Grumpy into Cheerful
It happens. Yes, it does. In fact, it is almost expected in the first days, weeks, and months after what you have gone through, so don’t beat yourself up over it; it’s a normal feeling. Of course, it is not a feeling that is enjoyable, entertaining, or exhilarating over an extended period. All that anxiety, worry, and distress can ruin your health.  

Hopefully, that uncomfortable state has passed for now. But in case it is still hanging around like a bad household odor, what might you do to reach a better frame of mind? Some of the following ideas have helped many women to find their “happy” place. Start by remembering this famous quip:

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” [Jessie Potter, educator, and counselor at the Woman to Woman Conference, 1981]
[Please note this quote was made popular much later by motivational speaker Tony Robbins].

Finding Your Happy Place

·         Read – go to the local library and find dozens of books on attitudes, gratitude, and making progress as a single-again woman. (Of course, Kindle works too). Start here because you don’t know what you don’t know!

Wanna Talk? 
·         Connect – Sitting home alone isn’t going to work. Open your Contacts on your smartphone or computer and count how many friends (especially single ones) you’ve been missing and call them today!

·         Talk - There is no shame or harm in speaking with a professional counselor or pastor about how to move past your past which is like an anchor holding you down.

·         Record – if you aren’t already journaling, please start. Instead of feeling angry, grumpy, and down, take your thoughts to the pages of your notebook (no one else will see it). Try to make this a daily habit and see what fabulous results you get. It doesn’t need to be lengthy. Nine minutes while drinking your coffee or tea is great. Now, you can begin your day refreshed!

·         Celebrate – one of the worse things you can do is decline invitations to have fun with people. It gets easier every time you say “Yes.” Just this one thing can cause a positive reaction in your mind and suddenly grumpiness is a thing of the past.

There are millions of things you can do to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Do you have to change? Sure. Life is stale without change. But you can be in the driver’s seat this time around and create yourself a brand-new world just the way you dream of!

Who Is Going to Help You?
One of the best things about reaching a point in your life you can be proud of is being able to share it with others. Wanting to help other women who are still struggling with bitterness, negative thoughts, and uncomfortable feelings is truly a gift. You’ve been there—you’re an expert. You know how it goes and there are lots of options others need to hear about.

Speaking of “help,” none of these suggestions and tips will work without first asking the Lord God to direct your steps. He’s way ahead of you and is just waiting for you to talk to Him about your life and where it is going. He’s got ideas! So, perfect as He is, upon accepting Him as Lord of your life, He will give you his Helper called the Holy Spirit. His Spirit who is perfect in providing guidance, wisdom, and discernment. And how can you go any further without those?

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT).

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