Monday, May 6, 2019

What Do You Want to See Happen Next?

Find your own survival path
It might feel oddly strange to find yourself all alone--a tingling sensation making you want to shiver--maybe for the first time in your life. You may have gone from your "Drive-in Movie" high school days, Homecoming football games and living with your parents to bunking with three other college roommates four states away. Suddenly before you could blink an eye, you were madly combing all the wedding magazines looking for the perfect dress, best flowers, and honeymoon destinations! 

You've never been totally alone on your own. Sound familiar? You might call this the "Season of Survival" and it can be scarier than jumping out of a plane into the unknown for the first time. What if you panic? What if your parachute doesn't open? What if the pilot missed the designated spot and you land in the depths of the ocean weighted down and no way out? All the What Ifs rushing into your brain at once can overload your circuit! 

Are You Strong Enough to Survive?
In the wild, survival of the fittest is the rule. There are many, many fascinating TV documentaries from National Geographic that show this harsh reality. Even though you may cringe and have compassion for the smallest babies of the jungle, you surely know it can be no other way. Thankfully, your reality is probably a bit tamer! 

It would be an educated guess that if you have made it thus far to be reading this week's blog, you have already moved through at least a few (if not numerous) facets of survival. Congratulations! In case no one has pointed it out to you yet, you ARE strong enough to not only exist as a single-again woman but to continue to live and prosper on your own if that is your choice.    

You'll never know until you try
You are among the many who have had a little taste of the unknown and are still here to tell about it. That's a big deal indeed! And now you can positively continue trying to figure out all the different angles of how to make your life the best it can be without a hint of giving up. There's no room for that nonsense anyway, right? No matter what your age right now, what would you say is the next most important survival change in your life? 

What do you want to see happen? (Hint: it will be different for each and every woman, so just take the time to really sit and think about this one and you'll come up with your answer.)

The Beginning, Middle, and the End
Yes, this really is the beginning of your new life in every way possible. It is your choice to make it a great one or let it become stale and unproductive which will prevent a Middle from happening. And then there will be no room left for a legacy at the End. Think about it. 

The truth is, only God knows exactly what your Beginning, Middle and End looks like. He can see it all. You can only see a small portion of your life because blinders block much of the view. Your only choice is to ask Him how to survive in the first place and follow His direction. You have only questions. God has all the right answers! 

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead" (Philippians 3:13 NLT).

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