Monday, April 29, 2019

What New Plans For a New Life Excite You?

Biking to Chanel in Paris

There are many, many reasons for an anniversary including the day you got your first silver car with its leather seats and automatic rearview mirror, started college in another state and ended up with the best roommate, moved to a beautiful new home with shade trees over the patio after saving for nine years, or traveled to Paris, rented a bicycle, and walked into Chanel for a new dress! And certainly, the day(s) your children were born was the very best kind of special. Hundreds of occasions to remember fondly. You probably have boxes and boxes of photos and souvenirs to prove it. There may have even been a time when you cherished the day you met your first celebrity in person (Diana Ross, Glen Campbell, and Stevie Nicks immediately come to mind!).

Reaching Your High Point
Many of these days were happy ones we never want to forget. But not all anniversaries are the same. Most of us have had to learn to deal with the loss of a parent, sibling, favorite relative, friend, or spouse. The grief of that occasion may lessen over the years but is always present in your mind. It is a true low point on your lifeline. Thankfully, with help, you can reach a higher point where you remember the good days with that person more often than that one bittersweet day. 

Of course, not all anniversary dates are good ones. There is that day when the "ending" was heart-breaking, to say the least. Divorce brought up all sorts of unwanted feelings you would rather have never faced but were forced to come to grips with them. You may have heard that in some ways divorce is worse than death in that the person you made vows with is still around. You cringe when you must see that person again as it brings up all the ugliness. You are never really rid of it. But take a deep breath: there is hope!  

New Life, New Plans
Planning your new life
Take heart, dear one! You still have a lot of choices on how to handle your life now. The best part is you can (are able to) build a whole new life from scratch just the way you want it. Nothing will hold you back even if you must rearrange several parts of your life. And that’s a good thing! It can be very exciting because how many times does a person get a second or third chance? The only hurdle is your own hesitation or fear of the unknown. It’s a matter of getting out of your comfort zone and creating new plans. If this is sounding familiar, you are not the only one. So, take a deep breath and jump in. You can do this!

Start with finding one of many support groups for the divorced or for the grieving. Join a women's group, volunteer, or find love and support through a local Christian church and Bible study. You will soon discover your true gifts and talents and be on your way! Just know that God understands every minute of your every day. No, He didn't cause your divorce as many women would like to believe. That is a lie straight from the enemy (Satan) as is all evil. In fact, God was there with you every single minute. He got you safely to this point, didn't He? Trust Him because He has a plan for the rest of your life. He always has had your best interest at heart! It's going to be a great adventure! 

"Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall" (Psalms 55:22 NLT).  

Monday, April 22, 2019

Your Surroundings Matter: How Can You Care for Them?

No winter on this beach!
It's not uncommon in today's world for families to frequently move from one city to another. Mainly it's for a new job, retirement, a change in marital status, military requirements, or the urge for a better climate, especially after experiencing a severe winter! And, did you know there are new cities cropping up every year? The U.S. Census in 2013 alone reported 17 new cities anywhere from Sandy Point, Texas, with a population of 200 to Jurupa Valley, California, with almost 100,000 residents. It seems you have endless choices!

No matter where you live, you probably have one common desire and that is to live among the beauty of the land/area you possess. That can mean different things to different people. Some will purchase a dream home in the mountains, valleys, or plains or on a beach, some are more than happy to live in a city condo close to work, or an apartment where yard work is non-existent. There are as many places to live as there are people! 

And wherever you might lay your head at night, when you awake you will see natural beauty all around you. It could be your yard with fragrant pink and yellow rose bushes, swaying palm trees that line your street, tall pine trees with that distinctive smell, or a lush neighborhood park. You are truly blessed with your surroundings if you spend time each day to look for them. 

Become a Good Neighbor

Of course, with all these blessings come responsibilities to care for whatever you possibly can. In your neighborhood, no one wants to see a yard that is never attended and left in shambles with weeds and trash. When you take pleasure in caring for your own property, you make a good neighbor. Plants can give food, trees give shade, and both can give you pleasure, but only if you cultivate them. 

In today's world, too many trees are destroyed needlessly both locally and including acres of them in the rain forests. Doesn't have anything to do with you? Why should you care? Answer this first: do you use any of these rain forest products:

Rain-forest Ginger
Bananas, citrus, avocados, nuts, or spices like vanilla and ginger
Coffee, tea, or cocoa
Cosmetics, cleaning products, or detergents
Medicine for rheumatism, diabetes, or heart conditions

Many of these consumables, if not most, come from rain forests and are among hundreds of everyday products! In addition, they stabilize world climate (including the oxygen we breathe), provide a home to plants and animals, and protect against floods, droughts, and erosion among many other uses. Information about this subject can fill hundreds of books. If you are interested in more, visit

Today, April 22nd is Earth Day 2019. A day set aside to think about the world and how you can help keep it beautiful. It started way back in 1970 with this statement:

"At the time, Americans were slurping leaded gas through massive V8 sedans. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of legal consequences or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. “Environment” was a word that appeared more often in spelling bees than on the evening news." []

Where Did the World Begin?

Thankfully, the world has greatly improved because of efforts made by many, many people who care about it. It is, however, an ongoing struggle, so don't give up! Start in your own little part of the world especially now that you have a new beginning. For now, just think about where did this beautiful world begin in the first place? The answer will help you understand your part in maintaining it. 

One of the biggest lies in history is that this universe began with some kind of "big bang" episode. Don't worry, we are not debating this inexhaustible subject right now. Just keep this little experiment in mind as food for thought: start at any point in the cosmos and step by step, keep moving backward in your mind asking/answering at each point, And where did ____(living creatures, sun, moon, stars, land, seas, sky, water, darkness, and light) come from? Eventually, you'll have your answer.

In the Beginning
Start with the five most important words on today's subject: 
"In the beginning God created..." (Genesis 1:1 NLT). 

There is the answer. Simple. Of course, if you don't believe this five-word statement, then you can open the Bible on the first page and keep reading in the first chapter. It's pretty amazing!

Moving on to the second chapter, there are a few more true statements covering the subject question, Where did the world begin? "And the Lord God planted all sorts of trees in the garden--beautiful trees that produced delicious fruit" (Genesis 2:9a NLT).        

"The Lord placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and care for it" (Genesis 2:15 NLT). And in our world, yes, women are also expected to take care of their "garden" wherever that may be!

If we keep reading in Genesis Chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9, we read about Noah and the Great Flood. Afterward, God spoke to him about taking care of all the earth and its creatures. It is a good lesson that God still expects us to continue today.  

So there it is in a nutshell. God created the world and He expects us to take very good care of it. Period.   

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths" (Psalm 24:1-2 NLT).

Friday, April 19, 2019

Is It Spring or Is It Easter?

Blue Easter Eggs
Along with Spring, comes the celebration of Easter. Children, especially, look forward to it with giggles and happiness. Bunnies and chicks start multiplying! Many of us like to decorate our homes with bouquets and lawn signs that read, “Life is beautiful!” And there is nothing wrong with any of this. . . except, we get Spring and Easter mixed up.  

How Do We Get to Easter?
Realizing the ignorance and hatred that caused a man to murder two and blind a third person caused that one survivor to forgive his attacker in 2011 in Texas. The same thing happened in 2003 when a father forgave a serial killer for the rape and murder of his 16-yr old daughter. And we have read similar true stories.  

How could this be possible in a world gone crazy? Putting the cruelty of the attackers aside, these victims reached deep down inside themselves and found kindness and love to be their answer. Rather than continuing the hatred or blaming themselves for the incident (which is quite common), forgiveness was the only way to heal.

It surprises no one that, most likely, these victims were following their faith. Surely, there were many prayers for wisdom involved first. And don’t think this was just a casual or easy decision. It couldn’t have been--they all experienced the personal pain and anguish deep down in their souls for the loss of their loved ones. However, they already knew what it meant to receive forgiveness themselves.

Like all of us who know the God of Grace [undeserved favor], the victims of these tragedies understood the unimaginable Easter sacrifice on a cross simply to forgive them of their own sins. We all have received this same mercy and forgiveness when we asked Jesus to be our personal Savior and Redeemer. Jesus showed divine love and kindness and willingly removed our guilt forever!

The True Easter Story
As they led Jesus away, a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, happened to be coming in from the countryside. The soldiers seized him and laid the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. A large crowd trailed behind, including many grief-stricken women.

Two others, both criminals, had already been led out to be executed alongside Jesus, the only innocent One. When they came to a place called The Skull [Golgotha], they nailed him to a cross. And the criminals were also crucified—one on his right and one on his left.
Depiction of Paradise

Jesus said, “Father, forgive these people, because they don't know what they are doing."

Then he [one of the criminals] said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Then he [Joseph of Arimathea] took the body of Jesus down from the cross and wrapped it in a long sheet of linen cloth and laid it in a new tomb that had been carved out of a rock. This was done late on Friday afternoon, the day of preparation for the Sabbath [Saturday].

But very early on [Easter] Sunday morning the women came to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone covering the entrance had been rolled aside. So they went in, but they couldn't find the body of the Lord Jesus.

The women were terrified and bowed low before them [two men]. Then the men [angels] asked, “Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He has risen from the dead!"

And just as they [the disciples] were telling about it, Jesus himself was suddenly standing there among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. But the whole group was startled and frightened, thinking they were seeing a ghost!

And he [Jesus] said, “Yes, it was written long ago that the Messiah would suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day."

Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven.

The Easter story is an excerpt from the Holy Bible, Luke 23 and 24 (NLT) [emphasis added].

"But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too" (Mark 11:25 NLT).

Monday, April 15, 2019

Something Special



Monday, April 8, 2019

What Unique Site Will Delight Your Eyes?

Traveling Route 66
Anticipating a long road trip can be very exciting, especially if we have never before visited our chosen destination. While traveling, it’s important to keep our eyes open and take in all the sites or else we can easily miss unbelievable landmarks. It’s easy to see the terrain in one area is very different in another area.  

Softly rolling hills that burst with patchwork colors from local farms in the “Plains” states are a feast for the eyes! We get a sense of exactly where our food is harvested and brought to our grocery stores. Lots of water in both the northern Great Lakes region and in the constant “wetness” of the Northwest keeps everything green with its own type of natural “irrigation” system. If we are not into daily, massive humidity, the dry Southwest will be our favorite places to park for a while. We have so many options and each one so different.

There is an infinite number of things to see in this country and if we are beginning to plan summer vacations, we simply can’t go wrong by giving the “good ole USA” a chance to amaze us. The best of the best sights are the out-of-the-way places such as: 

Oak Alley Plantation in Louisiana is 50 miles from New Orleans

Rocky Mountain National Park
Rocky Mountain National Park is 76 miles northwest of Denver, Colorado, and is the most visited national park in the U. S. 

Plum Island, Massachusetts offers a secluded, 11-mile long sandy beach

National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky, is a great place to explore to your heart’s content! 

There are numerous other out-of-the-way sites just like these in every state in America! No sense having to stick to the commonplace attraction for a vacation!

A Blessed Nation
No, this isn’t an advertisement for great summer vacations. We are just pointing out the vast landscape terrain that we, thankfully, live on and can enjoy day in and day out. Land (or more exactly, soil) is where it all begins. We choose to build homes on it. Great cities have survived on it for decades. Bridges connect us. We construct beautiful roads to drive our candy-apple red 1956 Ford trucks, original VW Bugs, and shiny SUVs on. Farmers scatter the seed on fertile soil that produces good food for our table. We are truly blessed!

Still, all this construction and growth is really difficult to soak into our brains and understand. It’s always been there (or so we think), therefore, we don’t even give it a single thought at times. Maybe some of our great-grandparents, though, had stories to leave us telling of hard times building this country from the ground up. Or maybe we’ve read about or seen documentaries of the 1930s Dust Bowl or the Great Depression and the devastation they brought.

We suppose some people have no comprehension of the birthing of the United States of America if they have not read or studied it. Maybe some do not even believe most of the historical stories they hear. If it’s not on YouTube or the latest website, it seems beyond their grasp. That is exactly the importance of visiting our own national sites in person whenever we can. If we don’t ever do that, it will remain a fictional mystery.

The Beginning
There is one important book whose stories have also been discredited from the very beginning ever since the invention of the printing press (yet, it has never gone out of print!). It’s called God’s Word—or more commonly, the Holy Bible. 

It’s a biblical and true historical account of God’s creation since the beginning of time itself. God’s own breath inspired every single word found in its pages just to benefit each one of us! Yet, we must ask ourselves, do we believe God? Do we believe in God? Is his “seed” taking root in our lives? Or is it just lying lifeless alongside the “road” we travel?         

“This is what the story means: The seed is God’s message [the Holy Bible]. The seed that fell beside the road is like the people who hear God’s teaching, but the devil comes and takes it away from them [doubt] so they cannot believe it and be saved” (Luke 8:11-12 NCV).

Monday, April 1, 2019

Movement Opens Up a Whole New World

Your Alarm Clock of Change
Many people hate change and do anything they can to avoid it. Basically, it’s the fear of the unknown that stalls us and glues our feet to the ground. We hesitate to accept an offer of a better job because we are so familiar and used to what we are currently doing. We stay in an undesirable area because we hate the thought of moving. We all know the famous saying, “If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten!” (Marc Ostrofsky, American entrepreneur, and New York Times Best Selling Author).

A Whole New World
We single-again women know all about transitions after experiencing a major shift in our lives. It was something we may or may not have wanted and wished it could have been different. Whether it was the loss of a spouse, becoming a single mom, or the ending of a marriage, it caused certain movement in our lives--good or bad depending on our perspective.  

Have you ever thought about why ostriches supposedly bury their heads in the sand when they are frightened? Well, we may be surprised to learn that is only a myth according to the American Ostrich Association. They say ostriches don’t bury their heads because they wouldn’t be able to breathe. Makes sense. However, they do dig holes to use as nests for their eggs. Then they often stick their heads in the hole to turn the eggs. Therefore, it looks like they really are burying their heads!

If we bury our own human head under the covers and refuse to face the world, we soon find out we can't breathe! It creates a chain reaction: no air equals no energy to move equals confusion equals loneliness equals giving up, and on and on it goes. But there is a better solution. 

Throwing off all those smothering covers shows us that movement naturally causes progress and progress creates positive energy (advancement) in our lives opening up a whole new world! Little did we know that the new job we landed was going to be the best solution for our finances. We realize we should have moved to that new town much sooner than we did because it provided a delightful opportunity to make new friends and gave us beauty we were not expecting.

Here’s the Clue
Never doubt how God works in our lives. He gives us many, many ways to live out His perfect, individual plan and purpose for us creating more joy and peace in our lives each day. Be assured He has not forgotten about the transition we are going through. His love and compassion create a total transformation so we can move forward. We just need to keep our heads out of the “sand!”

“That is why we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6 NLT).