Sunlight actually changes the negative into positive energy. The electrons then transfer electricity through wires in the cells to a battery for storage. Photoreceptors detect darkness and turn on the light throughout the night! Wow! Solar lamps can be very useful in many situations, including even charging our cell phones that we can't seem to do without. Crazy to understand and imagine all this amazing activity, especially if we are not scientifically inclined!
Opening the Windows
The point here is that, of course, modern humans cannot survive very well without electric light, except perhaps in daylight hours. What we would do without light for long in this day and age could be quite frustrating. We are thinking now of the unfortunate pattern of annual hurricanes in the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean leaving some residents without power for months!
Without basic daily necessities, especially during natural disasters, emotional destruction, and personal devastation, we must depend on our neighbors and those organizations/non-profits prepared to help. This is how they are using their “light” to dispel our “darkness” that swallows up hope. After going through what we as single-again women have experienced, it is easy to just crawl into a corner and ignore how to make our lives better than they have ever been.
Once we are healthier and on our way to figuring things out, we can readily see how we can use our own “light” to help others. We recognize the problem when we see other women going through what we did. We know that living in secluded “darkness” is not even an option, but instead is a sickness that spreads to every part of our body.
We can explore how to open our eyes and further grow into the strong women we are deep down inside. How can we positively use our “light” and create joy?
- Practice simply listening to her story.
- Seek common interests and share fun things: movies, hobbies, cooking, antiquing, etc
- Volunteer together at a women’s shelter.
- Teach her a skill she wants to learn and vice versa.
These are just suggestions to get started. Be sure to keep adding to the list; try to break the Guinness Book of World Records for Kindness. Go for it!
Better Than Einstein
The Creator of all Light knew we wouldn’t make it in the dark for long. On the very first day, God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. . .And there was evening and there was morning. . .
Because God is all-knowing, He also knew we needed the evening to rest. But not for too long. He gave us gifts and talents to use to help each other and we can’t do that if we spend all our hours in the “dark.”
“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light” Matthew 6:22 NLT.
“Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!” Matthew 6:22-23 MSG.
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