Mining for these beautiful gems seems almost impossible. Without having ever been to a mining camp, we can still imagine how difficult it probably is to dig out huge boulders, rocks, stones, and pebbles and then inspect them for their potentially beautiful “insides.” An all-consuming project for sure! However, at a gem fair, we might be able to more easily see a rock that looks rough, dull and nothing special on the outside, but when cut open, is absolutely the most beautiful thing we could see!
Impossible Odds
Some of us may even feel the same way at times. Surely, we’ve had our share of days when we feel “rough and unattractive” on the outside. Not a single piece of clothing looks good on us, our hair and make-up suddenly look strange in the mirror, and our feet are so swollen (from too much salt?) we can’t get them into our best shoes.
But we know how this goes. Our hormones have a habit of attacking us at the worse times. We are convinced we will never look or feel good again. We scream our lives are “just an impossibility.” Or so we think. But that is far from the truth. Each one of us was individually created with a unique personality and, for that matter, with a unique set of genes and hormones. Our “insides” are truly beautiful just like our birthstone gem!
I’M Possible Days

· Calling a best friend is a great way to get some perspective on our day.
· Distracting ourselves from what is bothering us can work wonders.
· Turning off all electronics and having a quiet time brings peace.
· Reading or having fun with a hobby is rejuvenating.
· Even housecleaning can be therapeutic for some of us.
· Try walking into a florist just to smell the flowers--it will bring a smile to your face.
· Help someone else who is having a bad day—your impossibilities will disappear fast.
We Get the Best
Have you ever heard “God loves you!” Truly, He does love every single one of us, every single day. Even on the not-so-good days when our hormones play tricks on us!
He is the God of possibilities: Our Heavenly Father. Unlike any father on earth, He is always and forever good, kind, and loving. He’s in the business of making sure every one of His children knows how pleased He is with us when we seek Him for answers. God smiles when we each find our true purpose and gifts as women and use them to honor Him. We can count on Him.
“He replied, ‘What is impossible for people is possible with God'” Luke 18:27 NLT.
Thanks for sharing the idea of "I'm-possible" instead of impossible for those down and discouraging days. We all have 'em.