Nothing shouts of more hope than gaining freedom. It is a precious gift! Countries are birthed with it after many painful struggles. Ideas are released with it as our eyes are opened and we see a new vision. And lives begin a new journey with exciting plans for the future.
Wherever we are beginning this New Year, we can celebrate our freedom from whatever was holding us back. With a little effort and determination, we will move forward and find ways to experience joy in the small, and not so small, things. Even if we have not had that first cup of coffee or tea!
Trampling Through the Briar Path
This joy may be easier for some women to attain; they have trampled through the briar path for a while and are now anxiously looking forward to escaping the "thorns." Others may be asking how this could even be possible after all the heartache and turmoil of the past year. It's definitely blinding to turn from the thickness of dark and see bright light; to scratch our way to the surface and remain intact.
Acknowledging we are not that person any more, but new women with new lives will help to get us started. It's up to us now to create something better, something hopeful. We really are stronger than we think. We've made it this far, haven't we? That didn't happen by accident.
There are some tools to make our struggle to create a better life easier. Our willingness to try is all it takes. Sure, we will make mistakes along the way and we will learn. No one is asking us to be perfect!
The Tool Box for a New Life
- Build a support team. Share struggles with those we trust to be there.
- Ask for help. We can't always do everything by ourselves.
- First things first. Organize and get rid of what we don't need from the past.
- Make plans. Find a place to live and work that will truly make us happy.
- Dream. There are goals we've always wanted to accomplish. Now is the time!

Now, let's grab hold of that promise and be determined to start a new journey!
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Cor 5:17
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