In the Disney animated film, The Emperor's Groove, Kuzco, the rude and narcissistic emperor, has no need of anyone. Yzma, his female adviser, poisons him and Kuzco turns into a llama. The silly story goes on and on with Yzma accidentally drinking a poison and she turns into a kitten!
Disney sometimes makes comical and crazy movies, or what your grandmother might have called cockamamie (silly word in itself), but there is eventually a point made. In the movie above, the emperor learns the lesson that it's senseless to resist change.

Let us not forget God likes change. He doesn't leave us in our same routine. He chose us and He expects us to grow and mature. There is a reason for everything and He sent Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help you in creating your very best life now!
If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.
Luke 17:33
Luke 17:33
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