There are many of us who really enjoy paging through home decorating magazines. Maybe even cutting out and collecting the photos of certain rooms we want to imitate. Trying out decorating projects, rearranging furniture according to floor plans, learning to hang wall art properly, and choosing complementary colors for each room are all fun activities for creating a beautiful home.
Where Does This Come From?
There may be two things going on here. To start with, we may have grown up with a mother who knew exactly how to use what she had available to provide a comfortable and beautiful home. She may have known instinctively how to arrange flowers or what furniture fabrics to use around five energetic kids. We got our lead from her and may now need to deal with our own perfectionism.
On the other hand, if our mother didn’t know fine art from dime-store paper imitations, or how to make a comfortable bed, or why a house needed cleaning on a regular basis, we may now crave a neatly organized and clean home. This kind of background shows us what humility is all about.
Perfection vs. Humility
True, we took our clues about keeping a home from our mothers. But now, we can enjoy making our own rooms in our own way. Home decorating is still a fun hobby! And we have our own children to whom we can teach homemaking skills that are passed down, as well as new ones we discover.

Each generation can improve upon the old if we are willing to change. We can look at ourselves and see that the only place we find “perfection” is in Scripture, which is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We can actually learn that with humility comes wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)
The Perfect One
God knows us inside and out. He has sent his Son, Jesus, to prepare each one of us our own special room in his heavenly mansion!! Our own permanent bejeweled room! He is the Perfect Master Decorator and His invitation is OPEN to all. Be sure to RSVP: [note: this is not an actual site]
There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? John 14:2
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