Monday, September 26, 2016

The Momentum Bucket List

In 2007 Hollywood produced the movie, The Bucket List, which was all at once humorous and insightful. Complete strangers find they must now face who they really are and if they have accomplished all they wanted to in life before it's too late. They decide they need a list of things to do that they had never gotten around to doing. This whole concept became very popular for many of us!

Now that we are on the way to reinventing our lives exactly the way we want, I'm encouraging you to start a list of your own. It can be serious, silly, or simple. It might be something you've done before but not in a very long time. Or it might be daring and adventurous (safety first though!). These might seem ridiculous to family and friends. But all that counts is this list is real and important to you--no one else. While you are thinking, let's have some fun. Here is the. . . 

Top 11 Momentum Bucket Gems

1. Dress up and go out on a Wednesday afternoon for no particular reason.
2. Rent a bicycle and go to the beach or somewhere interesting in your town.
3. Pick pumpkins at a local family farm. 
4. Paint a piece of furniture poppy pink (try chalk paint, it's easy!)
5. Put on some dance music when it's too quiet.
6. Send yourself flowers.
7. Find two other single-again friends and take a class together.

8. Sleep in the middle of the bed.
9. Eat dessert first before a meal.
10. Get a pet to love and enjoy (if you already have one, get another!)
11. Save up and buy a beautiful gemstone ring on Valentine's Day.

There are a million more things you can do. Keep thinking and you could create categories of bucket lists for yourself: a Bucket List for. . . home, career, health, travel, kids, budget, adventure, etc etc. You've got the idea. Keep the momentum going! 


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