Saturday, September 17, 2016

Downsizing Before Becoming a Hoarder

Downsizing is a two sided coin. Sometimes it’s a necessity just so we can move on with a new life and maybe even to a new town. This was my experience as I was, what some respectfully call, an "Air Force Brat." I say that with a smiley on my face because I thoroughly enjoyed growing up with my parents in the U.S. Air Force. It was quite an education. But as an adult, it was after 17 years of marriage.

We former shop-till-you-drop women have rooms filled to the brim with all sorts of things we thought we would never want to part with under any circumstance. Doll collections from age ten. O.K. fine, maybe a collection of tiny metal cars we treasured that threw our brothers into a jealous fit. Or more grown-up things in the attic like macrame hangers and hooked rugs. (If you are too young to remember these, your mama or aunt will show you how and, viola, you can start a new trend).

You know how the process goes. The organizational experts call it the Keep, Toss and Donate boxes. If you have been divorced, recently or otherwise, you'll understand downsizing. We’ve given up or lost most of everything we owned and it’s a bitter-sweet saga. Sometimes we willingly give it up and then turn around many months later and wish we hadn’t given away so many treasured items we now need! Sounds like the start of a cartoon.

make moving easy

Of course, things are things that can be replaced. We need to make room for what’s really important: like our kids and our sanity. Keep in mind you are beginning a fresh start momentum. I personally never wanted any reminders in my home of another fore-gone life. I was intent on creating a whole new life. A happy and joyful life filled with abundance and I'm not just talking about money here.

This whole downsizing can be quite a lot of fun if you give yourself the chance to think of it that way. You get to gather, trade, or purchase what you want in your life. I found a brand new hobby of thrift-store treasure hunting in the process! What an absolutely fabulous way to save money for bigger and better things like all the costly extras your kids need. Mind you, I didn't say their wants. We have to teach them how to save their own money and create their own downsizing methods early in life!

The other side of this shiny new coin is we can feel good about donating or giving away some of our possessions so that another woman who is hurting can find something she desperately needs. It’s a win-win situation.

The best part about all this non-worrying about things is God always knows what we need and when we need it  All we have to do is trust Him and be more open to the potential beauty in our new life.

Matthew 6:31-34


  1. I love your blog ,Barbara! What great encouragement.

    1. Thank you, Rachel, for your feedback. New material will post every M-W-F.
