Here's the question: how do we gain the strength we lost while dealing with re-inventing our lives? Being physically exhausted and emotionally fatigued prevents us from living to our fullest capacity. And it only lines the pockets of our doctors (sorry, physicians, aren't you always telling us "Take care, now" as we go out the door?)
Not feeling our very best blocks us from doing what we need and want to do to survive. Don't you have some new plans now for yourself? I mean, think about it, you don't want to repeat what you went through in the past, do you? Of course not, because all the dreams you had while still married can now be fulfilled to perfection--no one is holding you back. Yeah, world! I can do this.
Feeling down all the time and not caring to get back up also keeps us from creating the abundant joy we crave. I'm not saying it all needs to be done at once. Being drained requires that we take small and specific, but consistent, steps on the road to recovery.
We can help no one else until we take care of our physical selves. This is not a selfish thing! We need the energy to get to tomorrow. We’ve heard it before--participate in a good nutrition plan, regular exercise, and even fun and exciting ways to pamper ourselves. Those are the first building blocks to physical and emotional health. The way in which we do it, or not (I hate exercise but love the pampering), will be different for each one of us. And at a different pace. Whatever you feel you can do at the moment is the right step for you. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Just keep the momentum going!
Our spiritual well-being is an even more important connection to wholeness. Without this support, nothing else in our life will work properly. No worries, though, because the Lord provides the necessary solid rock to grab onto when we feel we will fall. He is the Rock, solid as can be. Remember that a home built on sand will not stand.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2
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