Saturday, September 17, 2016

Could I Take Your Order?

Design your best life!
Wouldn't it be great if you could walk up to a food counter and order a brand-new life? Or walk into an interior design studio and instantly create a brand-new home to live in and enjoy? 

“Oh, yes, waiter, I'll take a platter full of new five-inch high heels, four new suits in delicious flavors with yummy matching bags and, please, be sure to throw in the extra diamonds. And I love hats! All kinds of hats. Include those for dessert too. I'm jump-starting my new life as a single-again woman beginning with a new career at Come-and-Get-Me World.” 

Can You Imagine Your Life?
Now, open your eyes, shake your head, and wake up from the fantasy! Where you stand (or sit) right now is your single-again life just with a fresh, new and exciting beginning. Yes, it is not an easy thing to do! This is a serious endeavor and one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do. But it’s a start. And a great one whether you orchestrated your divorce or not.

This is a chance to create whatever life you can imagine. You've been held back and put down so many times it's hard to imagine it can be done. And, no, it's not too late; age, education, or finances are not factors. Really! Determination and persistence will get you there. Whether you live in a small town or a huge metropolis; are in a good or a nerve-wracking, challenging financial situation; or whether you have one, five or no children. What does matter is YOU get to write your own story now however you want it! You are the one and only one who can do it right this time around. 

What Do You Really Want?
Before we go further here, let me say I get you! I am one of the single-again Christian women out there. It's been a while, but I have survived, and you will too. But it's more than just survival. It's living a life beautiful and with joy. That’s where your purpose lies. How is that possible? Start with a daily mental reminder: No looking back! Know that if you choose, you can successfully move forward; the alternative is ugly and who wants to continue a distorted and twisted life?

That fresh start momentum will be a different experience for each woman. There is no one cookie-cutter life. You must ask yourself, what do I want? and how am I going to get there? Plan, persist, persevere. No one can tell you how. But you can be open to sharing your life with others in the same situation and thereby help each other out.  

You may be interested in one of these organizations: (click on link)

On this blog, you will find only positive reinforcement, ideas, discussions, and tips. No negativity, no put-downs of either you nor your former spouse, no blame, no guilt trip, and no sermons. There's no time for that anyway, right? Time won't wait for anyone, so get ready for a great adventure!      

Your Daily Connection
The One who knows exactly what you are feeling and experiencing is your Heavenly Father. Just ask a Christian woman you know. Now don’t just ignore this important key to your future. No amount of trying, struggling, screaming, crying, and trying again is going to work without getting in touch with the God who made you. It’s a daily connection!

Did you know He knows everything about you? The number of hairs on your head, how you love coffee, the next trip you want to take, your wish for a new job, and how your garden isn’t growing no matter how much care you put into it. He knows! Try talking with Him today before you try anything else.

“O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me…You know my thoughts…You know what I am going to say even before I say it…You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:1, 2, 4, 13 NLT).


  1. I am so happy you are sharing your sage council through your blog! Count on me to read everything you share. We need you!

    1. Thank you Cindy. All you ladies are important to me. We have to stick together! New postings come out every M-W-F (like today).

  2. I am so happy you are sharing your sage council through your blog! Count on me to read everything you share. We need you!
