Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What Do I Do Now?

Joy may be easier for some women to attain than others. It’s a misunderstood idea that sometimes gets mixed up with happiness. We can say chocolate makes some of us happy. A certain song on the radio can make us so happy, we start dancing. Bright colors and designs, especially on balloons, can make everyone happier. For the most part, these common feelings are temporary, but certainly, we look forward to the next one. 

What is joy anyway? We can describe it quite accurately as a condition of permanence. We know true joy if we think about how we feel when we hold a baby. When we find out we do not have cancer as the doctor first suspected, we know the pure essence of joy deep down. And when we hug our friend who just conquered her first marathon, joy fills our hearts for her. These occasions of pleasure are marked by contentment and cheerfulness. Even if a part of it later changes, the initial joy will always remain.

Some of us have trampled through the "briar path" for a while and are now anxiously looking forward to escaping the "thorns" and getting on with the joy. Others may be asking how escaping all the heartache and turmoil of the past year(s) could even be possible. It's blinding to turn from the thickness of dark days and see bright light as if someone just shined a flashlight in our eyes, and then to scratch our way to the surface and remain intact.

By the way, joy has a companion that can help us successfully handle this season of our lives. Ever heard of that four-letter word: hope? It's a winner in our lives! Truthfully, hope is produced by endurance--when we "hang in there" and keep moving forward no matter what happens. No matter how much pain we feel, we can get off that couch and push through the emotion. Sure, no one said it would be easy but when we are determined to do something difficult for a long time and still end up breathing, we are growing our hope and increasing our joy! It is not a magical "wishful thinking" kind of thing. Hope is as real as looking up in the sky and seeing the sun. It is too far away to touch, yet we can feel its warmth every day. Hope is the confidence we have in things that are unclear or unseen. It is our inspiration!

Acknowledging we are not that person anymore--the one who was trapped in a loveless relationship--but stronger women with new lives, will help to get us started in a new direction. It's up to us now to create something bigger and better. Something joyful. Something hopeful. We are stronger than we think. We've made it this far, haven't we? That didn't happen by accident. 

Tip of the Day: "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13 NLT).  

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