Tuesday, July 30, 2024

We Are Not Alone

Time never stops for us!

Time is an elusive period that is difficult to explain. As much as we want to hold our best moments in our hands for a little longer, we can not make time stop. It never goes away, yet we can not make it start either. Sure, babies are born every day and so their personal cuteness "time" begins. We wear digital, quartz, and stainless steel watches and set our projection and smart alarm clocks just as we want them, but we still can not make time stop. It is a continually moving element of our existence. We do not know what the next moment will bring to our lives and relationships!

Before, During, and After

Believe it or not, some relationships finally end their time on a somewhat "friendly" note. It is more of a mutual agreement after many years of arguments, avoidance, and altercations. Perhaps one person desperately tries to work it out using all possible means. The other person passively accepts the unwanted decision from the other. A war of words that exists with no solutions eventually arrives at a place where everything just stops. There is nothing more to say or do. In this particular case, it seems time does mysteriously end. The “clock” at this moment abruptly stops.

However, many (if not most) rocky relationships go through a very real and scary time when a woman needs to flee from someone who wants to harm her, either physically or emotionally. For her safety--and that of any children--she must find a way to get away safely in one way or another. In the end, with great determination, difficulty, and the help of those close to her, it can be done.

In either scenario, we stop and ask, “What now? Who can I depend on for support?” We find out the answer is not in giving up (which only makes things worse), but in humbling ourselves and reaching out, maybe for the first time in our lives, to sympathetic family, friends, neighbors, and professionals (think therapists, pastors, or women’s support groups) who have answers and can help in concrete ways.

Help Available

It took some of us a very long time to find answers to our questions, but the resources available today are getting better and better. Be wise and make good use of any reputable professionals. Let us not feel like we are the only ones going through this devastation and, as a consequence, avoid getting help. Solutions exist. They work. Don’t ever give up!

Tip of the Day

There is one who can make things right in our lives once and for all. To save many struggles, anguish, and loneliness, don't hold back. Reach for the one and only God who is the very definition of love. Contrary to what some may think, he didn't cause our situation or pain. But he does extend a strong right hand that will hold us up, hold us secure, and simply hold us through each star-filled night. We can never go wrong holding his hand. He promises!

“I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely” (Psalm 63:8 NLT).

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