Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Grab Your Toolbox

Grab Your Toolbox

Nothing shouts of more hope than gaining freedom. Anyone once held captive in any way, shape or form knows this fact. Freedom is a precious gift bestowed on us from above. Surely, our forefathers experienced that countries are born with independence only after many painful struggles along the way. We, too, can understand how ideas released like a bird let out of its cage open our eyes to possibilities and suddenly we see a promising vision for a new life. Momentum takes over and grows bigger and faster, and bigger and faster, like a snowball rolling down a hill while we continue with exciting plans for the future.

Wherever, and however, we grab hold of this fresh possibility for a new life, we embrace freedom as we let go of the forces that were holding us back. Opening our "toolbox" will allow us to move forward and find ways to build joy into the small, and not-so-small things, even if we have not had our first taste of accomplishment!

So are you ready to start with fresh momentum? We know you can do it!

Today's Tip: "So Christ [God] has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law" (Galatians 5:1 NLT).

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