This is not a story about Ms. Wise though. This is a story of faith and how as women we have everything we need to make things happen for ourselves. It's no joke that living on our own requires a certain kind of courage. Especially if we have come from difficult, oppressive, or abusive relationships.
But let's not dwell on the negatives because that just uses up all the energy we have within us; it gets us no where. And we need all that energy to not just survive, but to live above and beyond what others may expect of us. Here's a question to get us started:
How does God see me?
We might be amazed about His perspective of us if we did a search. For instance, we would find:
- Forgiven - first and foremost, no matter what we have done in our past, we are forgiven--now and forever--past, present and future. Why is that so huge? Because there is no more guilt to deal with. Scratch that off the list.
- Chosen Yes, we are so valuable to God, that He chose us. We didn't choose Him. Imagine how awesome that really is. We all know the feeling of being rejected. It's not pretty by any means and it can destroy us emotionally. But in God's eye, we are that special.
- Confident - we may need to work on this one, but our Creator is already certain about what knowing Him can mean for our future. He never wants us to walk in a state of depression and uncertainty.
- Hopeful - Now, we can come to this point in our lives where we are beginning to understand about decisions and choices. We were given new found freedom to do so. We can know that there is so much out there. No more bleak and dark days for us. God has a unique plan just waiting for us. Go and grab it!
- Hopeful - The best of the best. The prime condition for a broken heart. The answer for all those tears and lonely nights. We will never know the all encompassing, intimate love God has reserved for us until we go to Him and reach out. He's waiting!

We need to know where we are along our journey in order to get somewhere. There is no success in whatever we have decided to do with our lives if we walk around in a daze of dejection, sadness, and a hollow time capsule. Once we know God is on our side, we can do anything we set our minds on. Since the beginning of time He has shown He uses all kinds of women. Get ready--you are next!
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
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