Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Can You See in The Dark?

Relatively speaking, the electric light bulb is fairly new. It was invented the same year as the espresso machine! I’ll take a double-shot vanilla latte with whipped cream, please. Both were invented only 138 years ago--two short generations. Our great-grandmothers may still be alive to tell us that before that, people mainly used candles, oil lamps, and fire for light. However, all of these means of producing light have limits: they all burn out eventually, even the light bulb.

Children normally hate being in the dark, but sometimes adults do as well. Electrical storms can be unnerving when all the lights go out at once as we scramble for the flashlight (invented, by the way, 21 years after the electric light bulb). Many of us wake up each morning and want to open all the windows and blinds. We bask on sunny days. We adore chandeliers and take pleasure in candlelight. And as long as there are lots of stars, we marvel at the night sky.

Big Differences
Unless we work at night and sleep during the day, most of us crave light! For many women, it’s our most productive time, although waking hours vary greatly. Some are up at the “crack of dawn” and some of us prefer to sleep-in, if at all possible. Eventually, we each find our best time to get things done, establishing a routine and a pattern.

Our routines most likely have changed since living alone; usually for the better. We don’t have to check-in or check-out with someone else. We make our own schedules and set our own clocks. We cook, or not, whenever we feel like it. There are many advantages to living alone.

Notice the word above is “alone,” not “lonely.” There is a big difference. One is positive, one negative. Just like our patterns and routines, we have to learn to recognize when one is working and one is not. When one is nurturing us and when one is getting us down. We can be prepared with steps to avoid the negative. Having friends to do things with and enjoy, having a list of activities that brighten our day, and volunteering in a worthy organization are just a few ways to bring happiness and joy to our lives. To bring the “light” into the dark corners.

The Longest One of All
Psalm 119 is the longest Chapter, as well as the longest Psalm in the Bible. With 176 verses, it describes Who God is, what He expects of us, and it shows us how we can praise Him. And to be sure, God’s light never burns out! He promises to always be a light for us to see in the dark corners of our single-again lives. He can be trusted to guide us through any negative thoughts. Best of all, He keeps His promises because He is the same yesterday, today and always.
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Ps 119:105

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