It’s 5:00 p.m. and we take a moment to sit down and watch the news of the day. We expect to be informed and maybe even warmed by certain human interest stories before the dinner hour. Often, it does not work out that way.
Our TV news coverage is sometimes very depressing and discouraging. It can create needless melancholy if we watch excessively. Reports and videos tend to upset us, make us angry, or cause us to mourn the loss of things we hold dear such as faithfulness, trust, and honesty. All of the sadness can seep into our relationships, if we let it.
However, not keeping up with what is going on in the world is not the answer either; moderation is the key to remaining optimistic. We can find better ways than sticking our heads under the covers.
Instead of losing hope, we can be made more aware of what needs improvement in our own lives, and put effort into helping our neighborhoods, communities and our country. We can work to make sure we are doing good and setting an example for others. While participating in this way and with the help of God, we can find the comfort and safety we desire.
The Time of Our Lives: One Woman’s Story
After freshman year in college, a group of friends traveled to a local tourist attraction in a bordering state to work at summer jobs. And there were plenty. The local merchants looked forward to eager and smiling faces anxious to make some money before returning to their studies.

The play, which won Best Musical 20 years earlier, was a romantic drama with plenty of comedy. Sadly, most of the roles were for males with two leading females. Elaine and friends were chosen as extras, much to their delight (after all, they were not professional actresses). Lots and lots of practice took up all the spare time the women had available after work.
The play premiered and was a complete success. It would be the highlight of their summer in Colorado and not soon forgotten.
Assigned Roles
Just as in any acting production, we have a role to play in our life and in the lives of those we care about. We may need to change costumes frequently and wear many different hats, but it’s all part of our whole story. Especially now that we are single-again, God has given us a different kind of “part,” a purpose to carry out. Instead of allowing everyday news and stories to sadden and distract us, we can find fulfillment and joy in paying attention to our own special assignment.
God is the Writer and Director of our personal play. He keeps his promises and can be counted on to show us how to become the best we can be, when it comes to our role in His divine production. He enjoys helping us--showing compassion and forgiveness when we slip and stumble. Without a Director, there is no success!
As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Micah 7:7 (NLT)
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