Nowhere does it say that just because a person attends college, she becomes wise; or more wise than anyone else. Take the rather disgusting fad of goldfish-swallowing that started at Harvard University in 1939 by some male students. It was all done on a bet and, amazingly, is still tickling throats in today’s colleges! Oh, and by the way, don’t blame the lack of direction (or should we say intelligence) solely on the men. During the same year, a woman started the trend at the University of Missouri.
Hopefully, we choose to spend money on our education and not waste it on frivolous games and wagers. On the other hand, we all have a need to find a way to “let off steam” along the way. Of course, simply going to college is not a sure track to success.
A press release by CareerBuilder once stated that “One-Third of College-Educated Workers Do Not Work in Occupations Related to Their College Major. Thirty-six Percent Wish They Majored in Something Different.” If interested in the entire article, CLICK on the following link:
Light Bulb Moment
It’s not an understatement to say we certainly have the ability to gain an education whether we attend college or not. Many people are quite successful receiving training on the job or taking advantage of classes and seminars offered by employers, all the while holding down a paying position.

If we are stuck to find our exact niche in life, then it may require some honest soul-searching. Once that is discovered, any amount of time spent on educating ourselves and then working in our chosen field is all joy.
Get started with these nine questions:
- What particular activity can you lose track of time while involved in it?
- When with a friend, what subject do you repeatedly talk about?
- What books or magazine articles do you find yourself reading?
- What do people compliment you on as “your gift?”
- Did your younger self have a dream that was never realized?
- Is starting your own business a desire? (hint: co-owning is a great way to begin)
- If you have a degree, how could you now use it in a new field?
- If you are retired, how could you use your skills as a volunteer?
- If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do with the rest of your life?
Prologue to the Event
We don’t need to feel we are alone in this adventure. We are not. Even before we were born, God already had a perfect plan for each one of us. He’s been preparing us to jump in with all the courage and strength we can find. The one thing He is waiting to give us is wisdom to see it through. All we have to do is let Him know we are ready and willing to move ahead now. It’s Graduation Day!
But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous to everyone and will give you wisdom without criticizing you. James 1:5 (NCV)