Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Not Just a Crazy Notion

Ready to learn?

In the fall, regardless of age, many people take steps into their future and begin new college classes. In 2021, a reported [National Center for Education Statistics] 8.9 million undergraduate females accounted for most college students (fifty-eight percent) and embarked on a new journey! That is progress in a big way considering there were no colleges accepting women in America until after 1800! Education is not something to take for granted.

With advancements in many areas (for instance, the 19th Amendment in 1920 or Title IX in 1972) onward movement has been rapid. Today, more undergraduate and advanced degrees are earned by women than men. That is a fact [again, go to NCES] and is something to celebrate! This mini-history lesson simply says we are all thirsty for learning and can readily recognize the benefits.

Single-again women, especially, would gain much towards their future if education became a priority. Some of us never had the chance to go to college. Some started college and were never able to finish for one reason or another. Life got in the way. We understand but it is never too late!

We can all find a way to make that dream come true. First, find out what you are naturally good at doing (there are plenty of books out there to show you how) because nothing is worse than working at a job for the rest of your life and hating every minute of it! By the way, if you are already retired, don’t think this doesn’t apply to you! There are plenty of life-long learning “fun” courses at your local community college. Remember, life-improvement never comes too late. It shows a lot of confidence and endurance on our part. We can handle more than we think. What else is more important?

Tip of the Day

One more tidbit about history: during the 1800s in New England, due to the lack of books, many believed it was necessary to study the Holy Bible, so both boys and girls were taught to read from it early. This began an unquenchable thirst for education.

Our Heavenly Father has a fascinating and supernaturally powerful instruction book for us that provides, among other things, wisdom, poetry, and history freely given. The Bible is a way to start building a new life. A life that teaches how to trust God, and gain once and for all, the real truth. It can help us understand all aspects of our lives as special women. He knows the best path to take in our quest to become what we always dreamed of was possible. The required reading in this “educational” course is compiled of sixty-six books into one complete lesson on love.

“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Proverbs 3:6 NLT).

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