Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Valuable Masterpieces

No Two Alike, Where Are You?

It is obvious that mainly women tend to be the helpers and caregivers of the world. We certainly cannot deny this fact which has existed since the beginning of time. For example, statistics show that about ninety-one percent of registered nurses are women. That’s pretty amazing! In many professions, we naturally use our gifts to help others, and it could be said that we have a great capacity for compassion.

Whether we work in the medical field, police force, military, or are stay-at-home moms, teachers, or caregivers, some of us have witnessed “life or death” emergencies that called on all our resources to stay composed. So, in a true emergency, we must stay calm enough to at least call the ambulance.

We are, no doubt, stronger than we think. Some of us find we are fine in an emergency and then collapse later like a ragdoll. Others want to immediately look away for a moment, then pull in a breath and gain momentum for whatever we need to do. However we handle an emotional situation, we discover strengths we never knew we had. Through this kind of “testing,” we can grow and learn more about who we are and gather courage for the next time.
Struggling through the anxiety-filled days of divorce can feel like an emergency that just won’t stop. There are too many what-do-I-do-now dilemmas, one delay after another, and hard-to-handle decisions to make. Unfortunately, no doctor can prescribe a magic pill that will fix everything for us, so we are on our own to deal with the mess of a broken life. It may have been forced upon us, but even if we chose to end the devastation and abuse, we may still feel crushed.
Like a shattered dish, we too can be put back together stronger and better. True, maybe not in the very same way, but with a different and beautiful design much like an interesting mosaic made from broken stone or glass pieces. Beautiful. Strong. Colorful. A masterpiece that tells a joyful story. And, be assured, we each have our own unique story to tell. No two mosaics are the same! With the pieces of our story, we can move ahead with strength and dignity and add a new chapter. Creating a newly crafted life is not a waste, it is a work of art!

Tip of the Day

We are all the Masterpieces of a loving God. He created us to be exactly who
we are even before the moment of conception. Individuals. Unique. Beautiful. No one is just like us (it’s proven even identical twins have some differences). Our Creator is not willing to see our lives thrown away without effectively carrying out our purpose and plan, no matter what our current circumstances. Choose today to place the broken pieces into His able hands and live a life of joy!
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalm 34:18 NLT).

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13 NLT).


  1. Having worked with.broken tile to create mosaics, I agree that God can truly take the broken pieces of our lives and create something satisfyingly beautiful once again. All glory to God!

  2. Yes, thankfully, God is certainly the Master of our lives. Keep up the good work!
