Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Seeds of Faith

Poppy flower seeds

We can mentally believe in many things; some commendable and some ridiculous. For instance, an organizational society still believes the earth is flat! Really! All it takes for us to believe some things is a faith conviction that it is possible.

What about faith itself? Through wanted and unwanted experiences over the years, we now know that faith is built on trust and knowledge, plain and simple. It isn’t something we can see or touch and grab onto, but it is something unseen, like the wind. We can feel the wind rushing past our faces, and therefore, we believe it exists even though we cannot see it. A summer breeze feels wonderful as it cools us. A light wind clears and cleans the air we breathe. A stronger wind sails ships, moves windmills, and brings rainstorms to feed crops. Something we can’t even touch has a purpose in our life.

In the same way, we know what it “feels like” to trust someone and so, over time, we believe in the person; we place our faith in them. What we cannot afford to miss here is that just because one person breaks this cycle--causing hurt, frustration, and destruction--our faith itself is not broken, nor is it the cause of a broken relationship. And God is not the cause either. A human being is the cause. Our faith is still intact and is still part of who we are. It has gone through an extremely strong wind--a massive storm--but has survived!

As single-again women, we have already made it through the “storm” and endured the “lightning strikes” of pain and anguish. Our journey to a fresh start has not been easy by any means. But we found a way to grow a tiny mustard seed of faith and are watching it bloom large in our lives. Now we need to keep on growing and thriving. Keep adding to these four “seed” packets:
  • We are stronger than we think: we have made it this far and are in one piece.
  • We have a clear purpose: we are becoming familiar with unfulfilled dreams.
  • We know which direction to take: going forward gets us to our destination.
  • We can know and trust God: the Bible teaches us how to do this very thing.

Tip of the Day

No matter how many times our human relationships have hurt or deceived us, the Lover of Our Souls, Jesus, knows our heartache and pain. He was distressed and rejected by his friends and even his family. He was tormented and brutally tortured by his enemies. He gets us!

Jesus loved us enough to be willing to die for us. Can we say that about anyone we know? This is exactly why we can, with faith, believe in Him and trust in Him. Now, He simply holds out His right hand to comfort and guide us on this fresh start journey.

“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible” (Matthew 17:20 NLT).

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Valuable Masterpieces

No Two Alike, Where Are You?

It is obvious that mainly women tend to be the helpers and caregivers of the world. We certainly cannot deny this fact which has existed since the beginning of time. For example, statistics show that about ninety-one percent of registered nurses are women. That’s pretty amazing! In many professions, we naturally use our gifts to help others, and it could be said that we have a great capacity for compassion.

Whether we work in the medical field, police force, military, or are stay-at-home moms, teachers, or caregivers, some of us have witnessed “life or death” emergencies that called on all our resources to stay composed. So, in a true emergency, we must stay calm enough to at least call the ambulance.

We are, no doubt, stronger than we think. Some of us find we are fine in an emergency and then collapse later like a ragdoll. Others want to immediately look away for a moment, then pull in a breath and gain momentum for whatever we need to do. However we handle an emotional situation, we discover strengths we never knew we had. Through this kind of “testing,” we can grow and learn more about who we are and gather courage for the next time.
Struggling through the anxiety-filled days of divorce can feel like an emergency that just won’t stop. There are too many what-do-I-do-now dilemmas, one delay after another, and hard-to-handle decisions to make. Unfortunately, no doctor can prescribe a magic pill that will fix everything for us, so we are on our own to deal with the mess of a broken life. It may have been forced upon us, but even if we chose to end the devastation and abuse, we may still feel crushed.
Like a shattered dish, we too can be put back together stronger and better. True, maybe not in the very same way, but with a different and beautiful design much like an interesting mosaic made from broken stone or glass pieces. Beautiful. Strong. Colorful. A masterpiece that tells a joyful story. And, be assured, we each have our own unique story to tell. No two mosaics are the same! With the pieces of our story, we can move ahead with strength and dignity and add a new chapter. Creating a newly crafted life is not a waste, it is a work of art!

Tip of the Day

We are all the Masterpieces of a loving God. He created us to be exactly who
we are even before the moment of conception. Individuals. Unique. Beautiful. No one is just like us (it’s proven even identical twins have some differences). Our Creator is not willing to see our lives thrown away without effectively carrying out our purpose and plan, no matter what our current circumstances. Choose today to place the broken pieces into His able hands and live a life of joy!
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalm 34:18 NLT).

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13 NLT).

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How to Create More Energy

Try something new!

"I just don't have the energy to (fill in the blank)." True, it is a struggle sometimes to find that perfect balance of liveliness and peacefulness. We want to get up and do things, but how, when we feel so drained? It's so much easier to just pull the covers over our heads or stay on the couch and watch the nineteenth episode of Excuse
Me--Pass the Potato Chips.
[Not a real show].

The first thing we want and need is more energy in our lives. Admittedly, we may have to jump in and be willing to practice new habits. Today is a good day to have some fun and see how many crazy ideas we can come up with to keep the momentum going. It will give us a way to prepare for the more serious goals ahead. Ready to try?

1. Start playing soft music just as the sun is rising. This “sound” stimulation helps train our bodies to wake up.

2. Program the coffee maker to start spreading a delicious fragrance our way. Works every time.

3. Feed our brains with food like berries, avocado, or coconut. Eat them one at a time or together, your choice. And smile!

4. Guzzle some water! First thing in the morning is the best habit to create. It awakens our organs and prepares them for the day’s activities.

5. Protein for lunch will keep us awake for the afternoon long haul. By the way, it doesn't have to be the carnivorous type. The produce section will surprise you. For instance, one-half cup of assorted veggies equals 2.6 grams of protein. One stalk of broccoli equals 4.26 grams. And one medium potato is 5 grams.

6. Don't automatically hate this tip just yet, it works. No screens (TV, smartphone, tablet, computer) of any kind one hour before bed. Instead, read that novel you bought last month. Use an adult coloring book. Do relaxation techniques. Listen to soft music. You will sleep much better!

Tip of the Day

Have you ever heard, “Let go and let God.” Well, that's not what He said. True, the easy thing to do would be to convince ourselves to let God do all the work and He could just give us all the beneficial energy we need. Simple, right?

The true answer is God does have a perfect plan for us. He created us to use our energy as part of that wonderful plan. Listen to these wise words:

“With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort” (1 Corinthians 15:58 The Message).

Sure, some days will be outrageously more difficult than others. It is okay to take a needed break, but don’t just stay there. You’re strong--you can do this!

“Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame...Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder” (Romans 12:11-12 The Message).

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

What Is On Your "Basket List"?

Jeanne Calment of France was the oldest woman who ever lived at 122 years old (1875-1997)! Surely, she knew something the rest of us do not know about living and dying (think of this as a research project when you have time). Many people do want to live for a very long time, but maybe not that long!

Some of us would simply enjoy life more if we had enough time and resources to finally accomplish everything on our wish list. All those things we have always wanted to do, see, try, and experience. What would be on our “basket list?” Do we need more than one basket? 

An excursion to photograph charging elephants in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania? Or setting sail to an exotic island? Maybe we are just looking right now for a more calming and encouraging list. Rent a bicycle and see the sites in our town or travel to the nearest coast and do the same. Or some simple pampering like sending flowers to ourselves (oh, you haven’t done that yet?). Or eating dessert before or instead of the meal. It’s all okay. Really. The key is to add those things to our lives that we have never done before, even if they seem silly.

Truly, no one would likely want to spend the rest of their life eating away their time working at their jobs or professions much past retirement age. Of course, we want to stay active and alive enjoying our next great adventure! What many do not realize is that the skills, abilities, and gifts that we learn in our jobs can be very useful outside of a nine-to-five job if we choose.

A valid financial need may keep us in a job longer than we wish, but we can still plan accordingly. One thing to learn right away is that it is never too late for an adjustment, no matter which decade we live in right now. There are numerous books, online programs, and community college courses available that explain this very fact. It’s all about changing the way we think; anything is possible if we want it badly enough!

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” (Calvin Coolidge, 30th U.S. President)

Tip of the Day

Once we are on our way and can relax, then we can help others going through exactly what we did. The experience and knowledge we now have are valuable commodities. We can use our gifts and talents to find a unique way to walk alongside another woman. From just simple ideas of encouragement, we can help someone turn their life around for good.

If you remember nothing else from today's blog, remember that God will never leave us or abandon us. He is cheering us on to get better and better with all the resources he gives us. One of his greatest commandments is to love God and love others for “love covers a multitude of sins.” With that kind of direction, our lives cannot help but become prosperous and fulfilling.

“Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it” (Psalm 34:12, 14 NLT).