Monday, October 19, 2020

How to Make the Best Change

In 1898, Dwight L. Moody, a prominent evangelist, and teacher conducted a contest to find “the best thought” out there. He said, “a good thought was worth a journey of a thousand miles.” The contest winner (name unknown) won a prize for sending in the following now-famous quote.

Men grumble because God put thorns on roses. Would it not be better to thank God that he put roses on thorns? []

Most of us genuinely want to live a better life with less negativity but that’s a challenge for nearly everyone. So, we must ask, how do we make changes for the better that will become part of us and make a difference in how we live our lives now?

9 Changes for the Better

Recently while enjoying the pages of a friend’s scrapbook (she was single-again at the time), we found some of the best ideas for developing positive change in our lives. Perhaps these will give us many of our own “best thoughts” to carry us through.

  1. Nobody can really tell you “the answer” to life’s problems so you might as well try what feels right to you.
  2. Pay attention to what you feel. If you don’t like the way you feel, it’s usually a sign that you’re not getting what you need.
  3. Dare to love yourself in a world that gives no guarantees (except God’s).
  4. If you’re going to risk a change, try something likely to satisfy your needs while increasing your self-respect.
  5. When you are considering a specific change, make a list of all the worst possible things that could happen (be prepared!).
  6. Before you change, take a few moments to honestly compliment yourself for some specific and positive attribute.
  7. After you try a change, evaluate the results. No matter what happens, congratulate yourself for your courage to try.
  8. If what you are doing isn’t getting you what you want, try something different.
  9. If you decide to take a chance, don’t just think about it, do it!


Hopefully, the above insights do not sound selfish because they are not. They are ways to improve and make changes to our lives. Without knowing ourselves better, there is no honest way to help ourselves become women who are joyful, positive, and without whining or complaining.

The One who created us and loves us inside and out is anxious to give us good gifts. Gifts that will shower us with everything we need at a time when we need it the most. As noted by the woman above in her scrapbook, “I know that when I allow God to guide my steps, I am at peace on life’s joyous adventure.”

A “best thought” if we ever heard one!    

“The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8 NLT).


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