Monday, September 2, 2019

What Is Growing Inside Our Hearts?

A grateful heart

We often hear people say something like, "I hope you have a Happy Birthday!" Or, "I hope my plans for finding a new job work out." Where do we suppose these thoughts and wishes come from? 

Positive thoughts such as these are truly an act of faith welling up inside us. We can't see them, but they rise to the surface and pour out of our hearts, minds, and mouths. We can effectively practice and use positive words to encourage others (or ourselves) and make everyone feel less concerned about an upcoming situation.

This type of “kindness” attitude causes our soul to rejoice--like a little giggle creeping up--when we place our faith in things God has already planned and arranged for our lives. We become a sort of “ambassador” spreading as much love and joy around us as we can share, and this world certainly needs as much of that as we can give out! Of course, we have no idea what will happen to us next week, next summer, or next year. But our Creator knows. He knows! We just must be willing to trust Him. 

Sure, not everything that takes place in our lives is great. Or fun. Or what we want. That is because none of us are perfect. We make mistakes. We don't pay attention to what we are doing. We waste time, talents, and tempo and that affects our lives daily.    

But there is a better way to live and enjoy life. First, we can define faith as what we cannot see with our eyes, nor can we predict future events with our minds. We must rely on our faith. If we are open to this idea and principle of faith, then, secondly, we know through experience that our faith fluctuates at times just because we are all human. It's like a thermometer. When we are sad, depressed, or even apathetic about things in our lives, our faith takes a dive and barely registers. If we are happy, joyful, content and positive, our faith soars! 

What’s the Solution?
Is there something we can do when our faith is low? This answer may seem too simple and quite the opposite of what we are now thinking, but the solution is actually thankfulness! Yes, that's right. Stay with me now--there is something positive we can do to change our situation. Expressing gratitude and courting depression at the same time just doesn’t work. So, if we can practice and find a way to gather up even a bit of gratefulness, we can change feelings of depression a little at a time!

[Note: this is not a clinical or professional opinion about diagnosed depression. Please see your family doctor or a mental health professional for further discussion on this subject].         

Since faith is something that can't be seen, we are suggesting keeping an on-going, daily journal about thankfulness and gratitude for every tiny thing God has given us! It's not a big chunk of time out of our day. Just take three-and-a-half minutes each evening before bed and record three things we are grateful for from that day. Be specific for big as well as all the little things each day. Thank you, God, for yellow roses in my garden, fresh snow on the mountaintop, a new sweater to wear, getting eight hours of sleep, friends who call, a new book to read, food in my refrigerator, and an answer to my prayer for physical healing. Of course, use your own words.

Our faith thermometer
Result? When you write down what you are grateful for, it can be seen later or tomorrow or next month. This reminder really, really works to increase the temperature of our faith thermometer! 

Moving Mountains
If we give God a chance, He will bless us with all the promises He has to help us enjoy a satisfying and abundant life. It's when we leave Him out of our plans--out of our lives--that things get all messed up. One of the amazing gifts God gives us is free will. We can do whatever we choose to do right or wrong; God will not stand in our way. But if we ignore His direction and plans for our lives, we cannot really expect our faith to grow. It is our hope and faith in Him that will make our paths straight. The Bible tells us that even if our faith is only as small as a mustard seed, it can move mountains! (Matthew 17:20). Nothing is impossible with God on our side.

"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see" (Hebrews 11:1 NLT).

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