Thursday, July 4, 2019

Will You Allow Your Heart to Dance?

Celebrate Your Life!
Happy 4th of July! Six months into the year already and we are anxious to celebrate our country's 243rd birthday, July 4th, 1776--the day when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress and still stands today!  

No, we are not going to have a history lesson here today. We are simply saying that the celebration of America is more than just sparklers and fireworks (although those are lots of fun!). Instead, we want to point out that our lives can be a celebration too-- every day. 

Now that you are out on your own and living as a single-again woman, what would you say is your greatest feeling of all? Would it be the peace you now enjoy? Would it be relief from all the chaos and verbal and physical abuse? How about freedom? All of these and more are a reason to celebrate and fill your heart with unexplainable joy.

Your Own Independence Day
If your life doesn't exactly feel that way (yet), it's okay! You may still be mourning for a life left behind even though that life wasn't what you imagined it should be way back when. Now, think about this: all that freedom we talked about in the above paragraph can be scary and may be the reason that keeps you from moving forward.   

You have many difficult choices right now so it may seem easier to just turn back and grab for something that is no longer there, which only causes confusion and emptiness. But when you look at your own Independence Day and determine to move through the open doorway, you'll see the possibilities for your best life on the other side. And your heart will dance and sing! 

Get Out Your Bicycle
The momentum that escorts you through that door is exciting. It’s like riding a bicycle for the first time in many, many years. You won’t have time to look back but only to view the passing scenery. There are so many things to do, places to go, and plans to make that your days will fly by! Surely you have had ideas running around in your head for years that you are now free to make happen.

“You can not change the wind, but you can adjust your sails!” (Sue Ingebretson a Holistic Health Practitioner at Rebuilding Wellness).

The quote is a favorite of this blogger because it displays an attitude of never giving up. If one thing doesn’t work in your life, try another way. If going in one direction is frustrating, choose a friendlier path. Don’t allow anything to get in your way. You know what you want. Go after it. Today!

Anything Missing?
Congratulations! You are on your way! Planning, experimenting, and seeking wise counsel are all part of this new way to rebuild your life. You may even want to find other women who are traveling in the same direction. In fact, it is advisable to do so. They may be struggling at the beginning or learning to navigate in the middle or have nearly reached the finish line. So, someone will be able to come alongside you to help.

Strong triple cords
The Bible says, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT).

So, if you sense something missing while planning your adventure, it may just be a lack of support from others. Don’t keep your new marital status a secret fearing other women will gossip about you. If your attitude is new, fresh, and hopeful, others can’t help but see an improvement in you.

"A miserable heart means a miserable life; a cheerful heart fills the day with song" (Proverbs 15:15 Msg). 

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