Monday, February 11, 2019

What Does Your Dream Look Like?

Book and coffee. Perfect.
If you are a book lover like so many people, you understand how exciting it can be to get to the next chapter and find out what is happening. It's really hard to put the book down (especially true if you read an actual book with pages and covers instead of an e-reader). We even know a few people who start a book and can not even bear to close it and get some much-needed sleep. They must get to the end and see what happens no matter what!

Once we are single-again women (divorced, widowed, or single moms) and have struggled through as much hurt, pain, worry and sorrow we can stand of our particular angst, we then reach a point where we simply know life is not going to stand still for us. It keeps going and going. Turning and turning just like the pages of the book we can not put down. 

We must get to the next best chapter of our lives and see what happens! Hopefully, we discover that living our lives each day to the fullest is the only answer just like the heroine in the book. She realizes she is the only one who knows where she is going and what she will do when she gets there! 

What Does Your Dream Look Like?
Yes, we all have a dream. If you don't think so, grab a notebook and write down one sentence of what you'd really like to do with your life today. Date it if you want but keep it simple. Now, think of yesterday. Write another sentence of something you've always wanted to do. Next, think of the day before, last weekend, the week before that, and so on and so on. Write down "dreamy" thoughts of what you've always wanted to do in your life. 

Choosing the right path
Remember that idea you had last year? Maybe you thought it would be impossible for you to accomplish but you keep thinking about it. These are things you have wanted very much to do for a very long time. Writing these down will eventually take you to the answer. And you'll know what you know. 

Guess what? You are now in a position to actually do those things! There is no one to stop you. No one to discourage you from starting. And it's never too late to start! On an episode of America's Got Talent this week, we saw a couple dancing their hearts out. Amazing moves: jumps, spins, twists, twirls! He was in his 30s and she was beautiful, lean, energetic and...ready for her 70s! They won the Golden Buzzer sending them to the finals. It is never too late.     

The Only Hurdle 
There is one thing that will block your way. And that is. . .y-o-u! Just try it. You have nothing to lose. It will make you feel warm inside just like the ending of that book. 

The best part of this whole idea is that we each have the Creator of the entire Universe on our side! In fact, He is the One who gave us the dream in the first place from the moment we were born. Can you imagine that? Do you remember what you used to dream about doing or becoming when you were a child, a teen, a young adult? That dream or vision came directly from God Himself because He loves you. He's just wondering when you might get started. Is it today?

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" (Romans 8:28 NLT).

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