We All Need Someone Who Cares
Someone who is devoted one hundred percent to our well-being, especially when we are in trouble. As children, we may seek this from our parents. Even as adults, we like to know we can call on one or both of our parents for care and comfort. Of course, there comes a day when our elderly parents will seek the same from us.
Devotion comes in various forms and, often, is misunderstood. It can be taken as a tool of selfishness. A way to get something in exchange for a pretense of love. True loyalty and faithfulness are rare. It requires putting aside all of one’s own needs to care for another. We may see this in a mother who cares for a special needs child. Or a daughter who cares for an invalid parent putting aside her own dreams and wishes.
A Story of Undying Devotion
One famous woman was just like that kind of person but not in the way you may think. Mary Magdalene, from the town of Magdala near the Lake of Tiberias, never knew the man in Galilee everyone spoke about as a Teacher. But once she was cured of horrible diseases and seven evil spirits by Jesus, she became undyingly grateful and dedicated to His care. Painstakingly so. She became His follower and even began contributing to His ministry.

Approaching the tomb, she was frozen with shock to see the large, heavy stone removed that covered the tomb opening! Mary Magdalene began crying with great sorrow. Who could have taken Him? An angel in white sitting on the right-hand side of the tomb said "HE IS RISEN! He is not here".
Suddenly, she heard the Lord say her name out loud. We all most certainly would have jumped a foot if that had happened to us. She called out, Rabboni! (Teacher) and wanted to run and hug Him, but He forbade her saying, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father. Go instead and tell my brothers and disciples.
Mary Magdalene did just as she was told, but the disciples did not believe her. They discovered the same thing when they went to see for themselves.
Historical records say Mary Magdalene returned to Jerusalem and was never heard from again.
Where Do We Place Our Devotion?
Too many people in history have had the wrong impression of Mary Magdalene. But she knew the right thing to do and did it. She didn’t worry about what others said about her.
“The idea that this Mary was ‘the woman who was a sinner,’ or that she was unchaste, is groundless.” (Today’s Dictionary of the Bible, Bethany House Publishers).
The story of Mary Magdalene can be found in any of the four gospels in the Holy Bible, but the complete story is best found in John 20:1-18.
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