Two hundred and forty-two years ago this week the United States claimed its independence from England. It was no simple or easy idea that sparked the desire to live separate and unconnected from a country who had already been in existence for over 400 years. It was surely a glorious day after much struggle, effort, and determination. A day we now celebrate with fireworks, backyard Barbeques, and summer travel.
Which brings up a question. How much of this country have you seen in your lifetime? There are some pretty amazing discoveries right on our own soil and we have the freedom to do that now as single-again women. Who says we have to sit home and get stuck in our own restraints? We may have had a mental Bucket List for years swimming around in our heads. So let’s start planning!
For example, the U. S. Congress reports that the Four Corners Monument is the only place in the U.S. where you can stand in four states at the same time! It is the spot where a surveyor from the 1800s marked the meeting of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. Talk about killing two--or in this case four--birds with one stone!
And if you really want to enjoy a clear day, swallow your fear of heights and climb up 102 stories (above the muck of pollution) to the top of the Empire State Building in New York City. There you can actually see the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania all at once. Amazing. We have much to celebrate about this beautiful and FREE country--don’t miss it.
Pride and Prejudice
Some people get the wrong idea about freedom, though. It can be seen as being able to do anything we want without constraint, without any rules or laws. No one holding us down. We become the “ruler” over our own lives. With that kind of viewpoint, we can get ourselves into trouble we never expected or wanted.

There is no denying we are smart and powerful women. We all have what it takes to get where we want to go. We know this because of what we have already gone through just to get here. Here. Now. The Present. It’s real. We know how to achieve “freedom” and still be sensible and safe. What we work on now is how to activate and incorporate all of our ideas, wishes, dreams, and goals.
Mercy Triumphs
Since the beginning of time, there have been commandments, laws, and rulings. These were not established to constrain us like citizens of a dictatorship. Oh, no! This was God's way to protect us and give us real freedom to love Him and to love our neighbor as ourself. Period. That simple. He shows us mercy and gives us the understanding to achieve the abundant life we so want. It’s His way. His character. He is our Good, Good Father, unlike any father we have ever known. Celebrate that freedom today!
“So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free. There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you" (James 2:12-13 NLT).
Loved the flow of ideas about freedom . . . from history right down to the personal. Darlis