Monday, June 11, 2018

Pack Your Bags and Explore!

Blue Ridge Pkway, Appalachian Trail
If you had all the money you needed, where would you travel? Okay, keep reading even if you don't have the funds right now. Check out the ideas below. Never mind that you are single-again. There are easy answers for that situation. But first, you need a dream destination. 

Planning is #1. It can be as easy as visiting a U.S. state you've never had a chance to see. There are so many exciting sites and things to do in every single state.

  • Measure the 60 ft high faces on Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota 
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail between Georgia and Maine 
  • Marvel at the 2,000 arches in Utah
If you haven't even seen your own country, you're missing out on so much! Have some fun and just send away for a travel brochure from the Chamber of Commerce of a particular state. You can do that online too, of course. 

When you are ready, start mapping out a trip to a further destination, maybe outside the U.S. It doesn't have to be immediate; plan ahead. Where would your dream vacation take place? Here are just a couple of ideas: 

Mexico Beaches
Christmas "Feliz Navidad" in Spain
Athens, Greece

San Diego/Coronado Bay
Vancouver, Canada
Athens, Greece
And of course, Paris, baby!

Family Vacations:
Arizona/Horseback Riding at 
   Rancho de los Caballeros
Kauai, Hawaii Surf School

Pinterest, of Course. It can be addictive! 
Places to see are endless. Create pages here:

Easy to keep everything together. If you are worried about being single, there are plenty of vacations designed for singles that are not dating sites, unless of course, you like that idea, which is fine. Or grab a friend in the same "boat" and travel/share expenses together. Check out B&Bs and Timeshares too.    

Every Little Bit Helps
Now, let's get down to business. While developing your vacation, the money issue will come up. If you haven't already, start a "Vaca" Savings account. Even if you only put in a little bit, it's a start and adds up quickly. 

If you need budgeting help (and who doesn't!) check out Dave Ramsey. Even if you're not going on a vacation, this is the best thing you can do for your future, by far. So many people have conquered their money issues with this plan and churches have presented it to their entire congregations:

Nowhere does it say we can't have fun just because we are on our own again. This is a good thing we can do for ourselves! Go for it!

"'Every part of this plan," David told Solomon, "was given to me in writing from the hand of the LORD.'" (1 Chronicles 28:19 NLT).

"Then you responded, ‘Your plan is a good one.'" (Deuteronomy 1:14 NLT).

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