Monday, February 26, 2018

When Is Your Time?

It certainly was amazing watching the 2018 Winter Olympics which ended yesterday. First, they took place in PyeongChang, South Korea, which seems almost fictional when we think of what is going on not too far away in North Korea. But the competitions were still exciting enough on their own.

Even if we don’t claim to be a sports fan (like a lot of us), just cheering for and watching the U.S. women’s hockey team win their gold medal for the first time in 20 years gave us chills! Figure skating, however, has always been a favorite. This year, first time Olympian and the U.S. Male Figure Skater, Vincent Zhou (who is only 17 years old), wowed the crowds after landing the first ever quadruple Lutz—a very difficult move! Afterwards, he simply said, “My time is now.”

Time Lost, Time Gained
None of us are probably 17 any longer, but we can still relate and ask ourselves, when exactly is my time? We may have thought it was when we graduated, or when we landed a first job, or when we got married, or had children. And, yes, all those occasions were a cause to raise our arms in cheer and celebrate. So, we might be able to say we have had many “times” in our lives when we smiled and got the chills.

This “season” we are currently living in can be one of those “times” of our lives to celebrate. Pause for a just a moment here. Pause and understand, we are not promoting divorce in any way. We are simply speaking to women who have already experienced that traumatic event and need all the support they can find.

Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with being single-again. Anyone who sends us that message is not a true friend. We are in a moment that we can call “our time.” And that is reason to celebrate because we have traveled a long way to get here and have survived!

Your TIME Journal
Let’s explore how to make the best of “our time.” Just like the Olympians, we must practice getting good at anything. It might take a while, but eventually, we will get there. It might help to start a TIME Journal and keep adding to it (hint: date the pages). Try these to get started:

Research your maiden name and heritage
Things you enjoy and why
What prayer did God answer this week?
What is your life dream?
Favorite relaxation tips
Best thing that happened this month
What positive thing would you tell another single-again woman?
How could I improve my health?

Where Do We Find a Trainer?
Even athletes need a coach to guide and motivate them to get the best results. And as single-again women, it is most important for us to have a “Trainer” on our side too. God is “recruiting” us for His team! Try adding these to your journal:

Sometimes I get angry with God about. . .
What am I most grateful for?
Where can I find peace today?
My Spiritual gifts are. . .

“If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly” Romans 12:7-8 NLT.   

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