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Snowflakes and a Warm Drink |
Blizzards, winds, and digging out from all that snow is not the best way to enjoy this time of year. It all looks beautiful, but only if we are inside and not having to drive in it. And, yet, being able to spend time at a ski resort speeding down a slope, ice skating, or snowboarding are all fun for many people.
So, until Spring arrives in our yards, we could use that softly falling snowflake out our windows as a sort of life metaphor. Most people have heard that “no two snowflakes are the same.” Ever wonder why that is true? The very simple, basic answer is that water molecules in the air stick together to form unique crystals. And millions of them fall into our world all at once. If you want some fun checking this idea further, just click on this link: Snowflake Magic
Snowflakes vs. Rain
After reading all the scientific magic of snowflakes, let’s go a step further and ask, why did God (the Creator of all things) go to the trouble to make snowflakes to begin with? Wasn’t rain enough of a miracle? Well, maybe, just maybe, because he was giving us an easy way to observe that snow makes every object and situation in our lives beautiful.
That may be a stretch, but we can’t deny it certainly makes us slow down and gaze at the wonder and beauty of it all. Yes, there are days when the accumulation of snow makes life difficult when we need to drive somewhere. Or endless shoveling is required just to get out the front door. Or dressing the children in all their boots, mittens, and jackets to go to school is a major event. Life can be hard to deal with in any season.
Snow gives us a visible “reason” to see life in a different way. The rain wasn’t enough—God took rain and froze it into crystals so we would take note there are always options when we are looking for answers. Our real-life situations can often overwhelm us. Maybe all we need to do is change what we are doing. If one way doesn’t work, another probably will if we give it a chance.
Try This, Not That
Options are out there, but we need a desire and an open mind to find them. Ready to try something different?
Try this: take a risk and find a new job that’s satisfying
Not that: staying in a job we hate
Not that: working until we are burned out because everyone else does it
Try this: Downsize and simplify
Not that: Living among more and more clutter in a house that’s too big
Try this: Find out what God’s purpose for us is all about (hint: we all have a dream)
Not that: Sitting back and becoming discouraged and bitter
Try this: Be the best we can be no matter the direction we go
Not that: Showing up with a bad attitude and toxic, contagious thoughts
The Best is Yet to Come
When we put effort into understanding ourselves (who are we?) by understanding what God has purposely made us for (what is our gift?) and why we are in the situation we are in (ignoring options), then we will be headed in the right direction.
Part of this is developing our faith journey in knowing that God loves each of us just the way we are, right now, today. And just like the snowflakes he created, we are all unique and wonderfully made! Believe it!
“The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry” (Isaiah 55:10 NLT).
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