Monday, January 28, 2019

How is Your Soil, Seed, and Spirit Growing?

Zinnia and Bees
Are you beginning to just think about your spring gardening? True, Spring is officially still 51 days away on March 20th, but supposedly this takes planning. Of course, some of us are gardeners and some of us definitely are not! In fact, many of us humorously have what is called a “black thumb” as compared to a “green thumb” that can grow nearly everything under the sun. And even worse, house plants turn their back on us, wilt, and die no matter what we do. It’s either we watered too much, didn’t water enough, or talked to them until they were sick of our voice! (Insert smile!) 

Many serious gardeners, though, know exactly what to do. They have a knack for preparing the soil just perfectly to produce a beautiful garden. Starting with a firm foundation is obviously a key ingredient, so they start with materials such as leaves, grass clippings, and compost. The point is to arrive at soil that will drain well and be filled with air, minerals, and living organisms among other things.      

Much effort goes into producing a healthy garden. Besides a good soil mixture, there is everything from testing soil to creating the perfect texture and type, air, water, soil life, organic material, mulch, fertilizer, pH, and nutrient deficiencies just to name a few subjects in the libraries of a gardener. It could blow our minds just trying to grow a simple garden! But many, many people enjoy this amazing hobby and they are so good at it! We send out our utmost admiration if you are one of these amazing creatures!

Soil, Seed, and Spirit

Not all of us, though, have the same talents and gifts. Yes, some people are excellent gardeners and that’s good for the rest of us. But others naturally have cultivated their own “gardens” and have found great success. Think about what we would do if our children did not have the perfect math or music teacher. Or we didn’t have a great surgeon to perform our knee operation. How about language translators, those who volunteer, people who use their gift of hospitality to serve others, and those who can brilliantly explain things to others? 

Good Garden Soil
There are so many talents in our world it could take a book to list them. And, don’t forget this: we all have a special gift given to us by God. Oh, yes, we do! It may not be apparent right now. But down deep inside, if we really think seriously about it, we know what gift has been given to us. It has been part of us from the first breath we took as a baby. Just like the good garden soil, we have a firm foundation. Now, it may very well be that we have not “watered or fertilized our soil” and, therefore, nothing has grown there yet. It’s dormant. But waiting.

We can find how to use our unique gift if we make a habit of reading God’s Word—the Bible—everyday. Several places in His book of instruction and knowledge list the many Spiritual gifts. If we get stuck, we can visit with a pastor for guidance. Many churches also have classes for discovering our Spiritual gift(s). When we approach God’s teaching on this matter with sincere hearts, God will gladly lead us to our purpose. He will provide clarity for the dream we’ve had from the very beginning. And then, He gives us the vision of how to “produce good fruit” from our garden.  

Who Doesn’t Love a Good Story?

One of the very best stories (parables) in the Bible is about planting His seed. If you haven’t read it yet, we suggest stopping for just a moment and reading Luke 8:11-15. This story is all about seed and various types of soil. It all makes perfect sense. Even if you are not the best farmer, your gift will produce a big harvest when you follow the Master Gardener.

“This is what the story means: The seed is God’s message. And the seed that fell on the good ground is like those who hear God’s teaching with good, honest hearts and obey it and patiently produce good fruit” (Luke 8:11, 15 NCV).

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