Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Seven Priceless Gifts Left Under the Tree

It's a good time for reflection
Most of us can agree we sure don't always receive the gifts we expected at Christmas! The long return lines at every store is proof. Sometimes returning a gift comes with a valid reason like the item of clothing didn't fit or, we received two of the same kitchen gifts we already have in our cabinets! And then there are those gifts that are perfectly fine, but some would rather have the cash. It's tragic we tend to turn a beautiful celebration like Christmas into a retail nightmare.

So, let's get rid of this disillusion and find something real. Often, the last week of the year is a good time for reflection--finding the priceless gifts left under the tree that will last throughout the coming year. Gifts that will make a difference in our new, adventurous life journey.

Seven Hard to Find Gifts, but Worth It!
They may not be obvious at first, but if we look hard enough, we'll find the real blessings to take into the New Year:  

  1. Survived the first...second...third...Christmas on our own!
  2. Shared time with new friends
  3. Discovered laughter is good medicine
  4. Enjoyed a calm and happy home  
  5. Found our heart's desire
  6. Made what's old into what's new
  7. Recognized change is good for the soul

Don't Forget the Key
Did you notice? None of these blessings needed gift wrap! They are ours to keep. But we do need a "tool" to further expand them into a whole new life of faith, confidence, and hope. The tool to opening these forever gifts is Prayer. Much of life is extremely difficult without a daily conversation with God. He is the Giver of Gifts and delights in presenting them to us. Check the verse today at the bottom of this message for a clue how to receive the best He can give. And never give up!

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you” Luke 11:9 NLT.

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