Rarely do we purchase anything these days without it coming with numerous pages of instructions any six-year-old could follow, but not an adult! Everything from desk chairs, programmable coffee makers, and software programs to bicycles, entertainment centers, and children's swing sets can drive us crazy! Even cars come with a 94-page instruction manual that is quickly filed away in the glove box (when was the last time we ever used this for gloves?) It’s enough to drive us crazy!
However, during the coming season, we usually don't need instructions on how to be kind and good to our families and neighbors. In fact, it seems to be quite fashionable to lavish the best of ourselves onto those we care about. We give presents, cook and make special things for our families and friends, and willingly do things for others.
Happiness Doesn't Just Happen
Thanksgiving and Christmas are not always the best of seasons in some cases. We find out that being gracious to others takes extraordinary effort, especially if we have just gone through an unpleasant situation. We just don’t have the energy to deal with relationships! We may run into people we rarely see and would rather avoid, but can not. We find ourselves clenching our teeth.
Showing kindness takes every bit of mental strength we have while convincing ourselves (and our children, by the way) we are growing and moving on with our lives. Goodness, also, is a deliberate action meant for our own well-being, as well as for others. It doesn't just happen though. It requires resisting our un-Christianlike thoughts and attitudes and then having the persistence to do good. Our lives are not going to work if we hide away and just ignore others. We have to begin somewhere to create happiness in our lives. If not now, then when?
Good of You to Ask

- What one, small, positive step will make you happier right now?
- What hurtful feeling from your past would you be willing to work through to change?
- Who can you turn to for support and love?
- What beliefs do you now invite into your life?
- How can you cultivate (grow) them?
- How is your relationship with God expanding?
We need momentum to create our best lives. Keep searching for ways to put one foot in front of the other and never look back!
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness. . . Galatians 5:22
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