We are all born with certain inherent abilities. They give us reasons why we might want to work in a certain area. Some of us are naturally gifted to work in the medical field, or with computers in an IT department, or as an elementary, high school, or college level teacher. Others may be perfected suited to hold positions in the police force, construction, or in political office.
In the 21st century, we thankfully have opportunities to work in any field we choose. It’s true, some type of education or training--including on-the-job--will be necessary. But if we have the desire to flourish and grow, and if we persevere through all the effort it takes, we can get to where we want to go.
Rhythm & Tempo
Once we finally arrive at our destination, we still have places to go. Thriving in the work world is a constant learning environment. The meter ticks rhythmically back and forth between one position and another; between beginner and advanced levels. If we welcome momentum in our occupations, we can accomplish much.
We may also see or experience the opposite. Our careers can get sidetracked or the job doesn’t work out. Or we move from one city to another. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average worker will hold around 15 jobs in their lifetime. So we are not alone.
Seven Supportive Steps
What we want to do is find out what is the best way to remain in a job--at least long enough to get that promotion--before moving on to the next best thing. Other than obvious rules, like showing up on time for work, there are plenty of ways to stay active and enjoy our working years.
- Lifelong Learning. Master one task; take responsibility for the next one.
- Offer the Unexpected. When the boss gives steps 1, 2 & 3, volunteer for steps 4, 5, and 6.
- Stand Out. Don’t follow the crowd, do the right thing.
- Be a Champion. Stand up for the underdog; give the benefit of the doubt.
- Fill in the Gaps. Help a coworker who is struggling in her duties.
- Be an Example. Show love, offer encouragement, extend a helping hand.
- Compromise. It’s not necessary to always be correct; try humbleness instead.
The End of the Rope

This is where we realize the end of our rope has a knot in it to catch us! If we learn to trust in God, we will not fall. There may even be a day God will lead us right into a new relationship and then we will be on another path. But for now, at this season in our lives, God has other plans for us. We can only do our very best.
Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct. Galatians 6:4-5 (NLT)
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