Are we ever satisfied with our imperfect lives?
Many of us grew up under a firm hand that required perfection. Things had to be done exactly right at the exact time. This taught us to expect the world, our world, to never fall under a human mistake of any kind. We may have even lived with a spouse that expected the same thing in his wife. It created a lot of guilt and turned us into stressed-out women.
That was then and this is now.
Our lives may still feel like a whirlwind, but feelings can't really be trusted. They change from moment to moment. What is true is that you are a smart woman and that doesn't change! You've been through enough to know what you want now. You may not know quite how to get it just yet, but you have ideas running around in your head.
Great Idea!

If you're a visual person, cut out photos from magazines and paste them into your notebook. If you are a tactile person, paint and do mixed-media pages. By the way, if there are still children at home, show them they can start their own Dream Notebook. You will help them get excited about life too.
God did not mean for us to be so weary and worried. He has a lot to say about our needs, and being discontent with life is not one of them.
Making ourselves frantic over if the pillowcases got white enough in the laundry will rob us of our joy. This is why it is so important to get in touch with God daily. First thing in the morning while the coffee, tea or hot chocolate is brewing is the perfect time to ask what plans He has for you today. He has an answer!
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