Ban the Fluff Talk, This is For Real
One thing to know right away: there is life after a break-up! The truth: it's just a new life, it's not the old life, nor should we expect it to be. It's different, that's all. New timing, new plans, new ideas of how to do things, especially during the holidays. If we keep our emotions in check and use all the courage we can find, we can get through the next two or three months with joy. This is reality and it's up to us to use determination to make it happen.
Break the Stereotype
Once we get past the very real stages of divorce, such as denial, anger, grief, sadness, and acceptance, nothing is worse than the typical picture of a bitter and jaded woman. Actually, statistics show 75% of women prefer to be alone, successful, and happy than being unhappy in a marriage. And what's even more important, our children need to know we are o.k. and we can take care of them too.

First, go to an office supply store and get a 16-month calendar covering the end of this year and all of next year. It's depressing to look at an old calendar! Fill it with new things to do for the season.
Who says we have to keep all the old decorations around? Try donating it all to charity and start fresh! Don't forget to move the furniture around. It's uplifting!
Find some single-again friends and go to new places. No going to places that are familiar and from our past.
Throw a party and invite all our new friends. Include only old friends who are supportive. They will enjoy meeting new people too.
Cook for others...small dinners, holiday dinners, even Christmas Eve day breakfast. Challenge yourself to think of something different.
Holiday vacations (with or without the kids) are allowed. Not in the budget? Then have fun and visit several places in your own hometown. Rent a hotel room across town and live in luxury for a day or two. This is especially fun!
Be generous. Share the kids. Work out a schedule for this to happen.
And finally, be grateful for new beginnings. We have a Helper Who lives inside us ever since we began a new life with Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That alone will give us all the support we need!
Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:23-24