Monday, March 3, 2025

Be the Acorn!

Meet Jonathan. He is a very large, and somewhat cumbersome, giant tortoise who lives on the island of Saint Helena, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean. Currently holding the oldest living land animal record, Jonathan is celebrating his 192nd birthday this year (Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 23 February 2025)--a true achievement after finishing his first-ever bath in 2017! Imagine all that grime. Worse than any mud-loving kid out there! 
Living critters and creatures like Jonathan don’t need to be concerned with building a life that will sustain them through upheaval, upset, and uproar (probably a good reason why they live so long). Our sticky human situations are much more difficult. We’ve had to deal with trying to renovate a life left in shambles. We try to make something new out of something old as we negotiate what we have or do not have. We’ve had to face real answers about who we are deep down inside, where we can thrive and grow, and how to live a life of power and purpose. There have been good and not-so-good days, months, or even years to finally reach this eye-opening point. What we have discovered one step at a time along the way is that we have enough resilience to make it through more than we ever imagined.

Surprisingly, we now arrive intact in new territory! We have a chance now to start over. Without a doubt, we are ready to step off that emotional train without all the baggage and breathe in a fresh new way to live with enthusiasm every day. There is no reason not to trust our instincts that brought us to this destination. We can move forward and begin anew with confidence. 

No one says, however, that we will never face challenges again because we will as long as we are part of this world. Next time there is a problem, we will recognize our own strengths and face difficulties head-on with staying power. Our heart will be in it one hundred percent. The old, worn-out suitcases of fears and insecurities were purposely left behind. They aren’t needed any longer.

Now the important question is: what do we do with the rest of our lives? First, realize, we do have choices, and lots of them. Everything from choosing what city (and climate) to live in--the East, West, South, or North; the style of home to make our own from a single-family house to a condo, to an apartment; various and numerous employment and career opportunities; and whether or not to pursue higher education. This adventure can also include crazy and fun choices like changing the way we look, how we dress, and what kind of hobbies to pursue. And on and on and on. 

Secondly, be aware there are those women who simply give up and never find a life of satisfaction and happiness. They spend their days walking around shrugging their shoulders, living in their pajamas, and not taking responsibility for their own life. But believe this: we’ve all been there to some degree or another. We are just not used to living single lives yet. Many women, however, stay stuck in a sad and empty existence that can go on until the end of their lives. But we do not need to make that kind of choice. Be different! Break the stereotype of the pitied divorcee.

Just reading this "encouragement" blog is an indication we haven’t given up in any way, shape, or form. We fought for the right to create our own lives full of attainable dreams, goals, and new adventures. Thankfully, there are enough ways to do this to fill a library. Getting out there and discovering the best choice for each of us is half the fun. Just never quit--dig in! Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." 
Be the acorn!

Tip of the Day

There are numerous and unique ways to physically reach our potential just by getting out the door every morning and engaging the world. Mentally, we can add to our joy by spending time with good friends, keeping ourselves healthy and energetic in whatever way we can, and building relationships that are full of love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

None of the physical or emotional pathways we find, however, will lead anywhere without the supportive and merciful love of the One True God, who holds the ticket to our next journey. He is anxious to welcome each one of us because He already has our itinerary planned. Really! So, don’t let it go to waste.

“Because we know that this extraordinary day is just ahead, we pray for you all the time--pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be, pray that he’ll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy so that it all amounts to something” (2 Thessalonians 1:11 The Message).

Monday, January 20, 2025


Hello Fresh Start Momentum Friends

There has been a death in the family. 
Please excuse us for the next 30+ days as we are in mourning.

FSM will return March 3rd and, as usual, will bring you interesting and unique messages to enjoy.

God bless!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rhythm & Tempo

Listen to the RHYTHM of the falling rain...

We are all born with certain inherent abilities whether we recognize them immediately or not. Activities we are naturally drawn to over and over again. We might have wondered as a child why science experiments were fascinating; how we could perform gymnastic feats at the park playground with no problem; or spend an entire day at the library searching for just the right book. These and many others are why we want to work in a certain area or profession as an adult. Some of us are naturally gifted to work in the medical field, with computers in an information technology (IT) department, or as an elementary or high school teacher, or dream of becoming a college professor or book editor. Others may be perfectly suited to hold positions in the police force, construction, political office, or teaching others how to quilt. It’s not the particular work we do. It’s how well we are fitted to the job that makes the difference.

In the twenty-first century, we thankfully have opportunities to work in any field we choose no matter our gender, race, or marital status. Some type of education or training--including on-the-job--will be necessary. The fact is if we have a genuine desire to flourish and grow, and if we persevere through all the effort it takes, we can get to where we want to go using our natural abilities.

Once we finally arrive at our chosen destination, we still have places to go. There is no such thing as remaining in one position over five or ten years. How many of us have been asked in our annual review, “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” Employers have a definite aversion to someone who is not active and progressing. Think of it this way: remaining stagnant is not attractive! Thriving in business is a constant learning environment. The meter ticks rhythmically back and forth between one lesson and the next; between beginner and advanced levels. If we welcome and desire momentum in our occupations, we can accomplish much.

We may also see or experience the opposite. No matter how hard we try, our careers can get temporarily sidetracked or the job doesn’t work out as expected. Or we find a need to move from one city to another having to backtrack just a bit to catch up. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average worker will hold around fifteen jobs in their lifetime for one reason or another. So we are not alone.

What we want and need is to protect ourselves by finding the best way to remain in a job--at least long enough to get that promotion--before moving on to the next big thing. Other than obvious responsibilities, like showing up on time for work, there are plenty of ways to stay active and enjoy our working years in the process. To get the ball rolling, try one or two of these foundational steps and build from there:
  • Stand Out: don’t just follow the crowd, do the right thing.
  • Be a Champion: lead with courage and stand up for the underdog.
  • Fill in the Gaps: help a coworker who is struggling with her duties. We all have bad days.
  • Be an Example: show love, offer encouragement, and extend a helping hand.
  • Compromise: it’s not necessary to always have the last word; try humbleness instead.

Tip of the Day

Living life is certainly difficult to figure out, especially right now. Finding the answers for what to do can seem nearly hopeless. How do we survive from living as part of a couple to making it on our own? Every day, every job, every place will not always be perfect for us, maybe not even a little bit, maybe not for a while. But it’s never hopeless.

This is where we realize when we are at the “end of our rope” there is a safety knot to catch us! If we learn to trust in God, we will not fall or even stumble. There may even be a day God will lead us right into a new relationship and, then, we will be on an entirely different path to conquer. But for now, in this growing season in our lives, God has other plans for us. We can only cooperate and do our very best. That’s all He asks of us. We can do it!

“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life” (Galatians 6:4-5 The Message).

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Keep an Eye on the Mountaintop

Reaching our personal mountaintop one step at a time!

Decades travel at the speed of a “don’t blink, you’ll miss it” kind of rush. When we were teens or young adults with all of our self-preoccupations, we never dreamed we would ever see the time when we faced a season called “midlife.” But, sure enough, every single one of us arrives blinking our eyes in surprise and suspense! What exactly will happen to us now? We stare at the mirror wondering if it’s too late to do anything that will make a difference. Our young ones are jumping out of the nest anxious to find their way. And we are left all at once with glee, sadness, and terror at the thought of a vacant house. Of course, when we finally start painting our lives golden, our minds play tricks on us and we still think we are twenty years younger than reality!

Every season of our lives has its pros and cons “for such a time as this.” In our exciting college years, life happened all at once. Joyfully or not, we separated from our parents and envisioned a lifetime of great success, and the “I can’t live without you” type of perfect relationship along with happily doing things our way. Sound familiar?

Between our 30s and 40s, life started revealing its true nature. Things were different than we originally imagined; the sharp edges grayed a bit in the fog of reality. Still, life was “do-able” as we revised our plans, sometimes more than once. Energies slowed a bit, then took off again like a stuttering car, as we discovered new goals to fit our lifestyles. We learned the eye-opening difference between “Me, Me, Me” and “We, We, We.” Life was good as long as we were willing to open our hearts and minds to the world.

Midlife comes onto the scene with a vengeance! For some, it’s a shock to turn around and discover a new landscape--an entirely new life we just can’t ignore. Now we remember all those dreams and decisions we intended to tackle thirty years before interruptions, distractions, and life generally took over. So, do we just throw up our hands and give up? No, not ever! We have all the time, talent, and wisdom to share with others now. Wasting those would be a violation of nature and our well-being. Now is the best opportunity to start making new plans, as life does not wait on any of us, as we already recognize.

The good news is we can look around with eyes wide open and see new possibilities we never knew we had. Currently [2025], 126 million people in the U. S. are over age fifty and growing (, and the U.S. Census states 25 million live alone, and 55 percent are single-again women. 
We are not alone by any means! If we truly want to do something with the next fifty years (yes, more and more people are reaching the centennial mark and beyond), we must be willing to get out of the house and meet others in our “tribe.”

Thinking about it, we can see our experiences, good and not so good, piled one on top of the other like a house made of brick for our entire lives. There is a purpose in that phenomenon. Our lifework built for us an entire “library” of useful and teachable events. We most certainly can not go back in history and redo our lives. But, we can make today count and go forward, calling on our learning episodes and making things new and different. We could try out these four ideas :
  • Lifelong Learning - always beneficial and fun, we can choose something we’ve wanted to learn or participate in doing. Local colleges provide a regular schedule of one-time classes.
  • Travel Groups - how many of the U. S. states have we visited? How about that foreign country calling our name? Day trips are also a great way to see sites and meet others without a big commitment.
  • Community Events - right in our hometown, there are plenty of occasions to use our skills, learn new ones, or volunteer and make our neighborhood better.
  • Church Groups - just ask because the church can always use extra help. We will feel useful and needed for sure.
One for each week or one per month, totally up to you!

Tip of the Day

No matter our circumstances and lifestyle, there is a way to make a difference in our golden days. God provides what we need, when we need it, if we just ask. He doesn’t force Himself on us, but is always ready to help and will never, ever leave us! Just having the determination to do something with our lives that is worthwhile and beneficial is Step Two. Step One is placing our faith in the One True God. We can do that, can’t we?

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV).

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tiny Ripples of Hope

Tiny Ripples of Hope Everyday

Every time you stand up for an ideal, you send forth a tiny ripple of hope. 
(Robert Kennedy)

Surely, we are ready to face the facts, get them out, and get them over with so we can move on. Any show of hands? Changing our status to single-again is no party, even if Hollywood says differently. It is still not a pretty picture, especially if we didn’t want or cause the separation or break-up. It ushers in activities like turning off the phone and pulling the covers over our heads for the next three months!

If we want to breathe, however, the covers must come off sooner rather than later. We are stronger than we sometimes feel or look. Certainly, after our morning cup of coffee, tea, or juice and a shower, the day seems much better. Getting dressed in something comfortable and colorful, doing our hair and makeup, and stepping outside for a walk will fill our lungs with oxygen as well as hope. Now, we can think clearly.

We Are Here to Stay

We can take this season of our lives and make all sorts of new plans, ideas, and traditions. Showing the world we are here to stay on our terms bolsters confidence! Remember, our lives don't have to paint a picture of perfection because no one’s life is that immaculate. Aiming for something better--something hopeful--is much more authentic. We can strive to simply live, breathe, and survive day by day with all the enthusiasm we can find. Living this way by what we choose to do and how we act accomplishes much toward our well-being. One definition of hope is "anticipating something good to come in the future." Ready to test that thought?

Any or all of these fun pick-me-ups could fit right into the hope-filled lives that we are reinventing (remember these are choices that bring benefits):
  • Regularly connect with a friend who understands us.
  • Change our thinking and celebrate our own life. Try simple things to cheer ourselves up: a new restaurant, a new route to work, a new workout center, a new quilt for our bed.
  • Keep our sense of humor, even if we're not known as the funny type. Watch a comedy. Tell jokes with our kids. Share a funny story with a friend or family member.
  • Keep an encouragement journal. As often as we can (morning or night), list a few things we are grateful for that bring us happiness or a kind word spoken on our behalf.
  • Volunteer to help someone in need. Work at a thrift store that benefits abused women. Read to children or the elderly. Teach someone to dance.
  • If we don't feel like cooking for family dinners, it is okay to bring a store-bought dish or flowers for the table. Really.
Hope is as real as looking up in the sky and seeing the sun. It's too far away to touch, yet we can feel its warmth every day. Hope is the confidence we have in things that are unclear or unseen. It's our inspiration!

Tip of the Day

First of all, the whole truth: God is the original source of all hope. He knew we would someday need all we could get. He offers it to us with hands outstretched! The Bible tells us that hope creates patience, courage, and joy. When we allow our hope to dwindle, we can easily understand why we have no energy to bring us encouragement. Without hope, we have nothing else. It is one of the three things that last: faith, hope, and [true] love.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NLT).

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Too Many Grocery Carts in the Rack

Choose your cart

Thankfully our days are created in twenty-four-hour segments. If they were any longer, we might not be able to handle all of it because there are only so many problems and pressures to deal with before we collapse and need rest. A continual repeat of this kind of craziness will destroy our hopes and dreams. Of course, there are certain times when we wish we had more hours in the day just to get all the things on our To-Do lists done. But that is much like driving on one of those round-about traffic circles and not being able to get into the correct lane to get off!

There are thousands of things we constantly worry about without stopping. The car breaks down on the way home from getting groceries and everything melts, the hairdresser cuts our hair too short, the coffee maker decides it doesn’t want to make our morning brew when we need it, and the boss just announces we need to work overtime while we are walking out the door to go home to the kids, we can’t find our favorite blouse to wear to a job interview, and it goes on and on and on and. . . The trouble with all this commotion is the worries just stack together one upon the other from day to day like too many grocery carts in a rack. They get stuck together and it’s hard to release them. Today we are still worrying about all the things we didn’t tackle yesterday. Add that to today’s problems, plus start stressing over tomorrow’s fears, and “bingo” we have a major breakdown in the making.

The good news is we always have a choice to get into the correct lane. We can choose a different way to handle our daily anxieties and stop our nagging minds from calling out for attention. Worry is a habit we constantly entertain. It has almost become a cultural, inborn trait that creates a crisis when a solution is available if we only slow down and breathe, so we can think clearly. The constant adrenaline causes our nerves to tighten into knots, finally resulting in enough pain that we deeply desire a visit to the massage therapist.

Actually, our new lives can continue to improve if, with determination, we choose to find an answer to the anxieties that plague us. Those nervous “butterflies” in our stomachs are annoying and, instead of helping us to get things done as we might think, worry distracts us from accomplishing what we intend to do in the first place. Our focus becomes blurry. Our head starts swimming. Ever feel that way? 

We are not saying there will never be anything in our lives to care about again. Of course, there will be. But there is a difference between worry--which solves nothing and keeps us on that never-ending roundabout--and concern, which involves us in the solution of a problem. Concern causes us to be troubled enough to get up and do something about it. 

How do we begin to change the pattern? First, we have to understand many of the worries we have are human-made. We load our twenty-four-hour days with thirty-six hours of things to do. It’s impossible to keep up that pace! We get in a rush and cause accidents both at home and in public. We chase after more money and more things to keep up with the neighbors. We get in the way of the lives of others, instead of taking care of our quandaries. We need a plan. How about these:

  • Prioritize daily to-do lists: A) urgent/most important; B) need to get done ASAP; or C) least important/back burner. Handle only one activity at a time! Well done!
  • Plan appointments allowing enough time for each. A good way to do this is to work backward from the time of the appointment. Calculate how long it takes to get there (use a map app to make it easy), how long it takes to shower and dress. Don’t pile appointments and meetings up like wooden blocks. Blocks tend to tumble over like a Jenga game. It’s okay to say “No” when necessary!
  • Pare back your home by clearing out trash, knick-knacks, and clothes that haven’t been worn in over two years; use an old-school monthly budget on paper just to see exactly where the money goes; and finally, create a special, unique space just for personal work or hobbies.
Tip of the Day

We have one perfect cure for all our worries and that is God himself. He already has a plan for our lives but waits for us to stop stressing and trust him; we love that: stop and trust! 

Just know He is not going to force Himself on us. For every single problem we face, God has the solution. It’s found in the Bible, His special message to us. This is how He communicates with us. All we need to be concerned about is caring for our inner souls (i.e., connecting with God every day).  

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34 NLT).

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT).

[photo by images]

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Holiday Break

Hello Fresh Start Momentum friends!

Raise your virtual hands if you ever needed a break from daily run-around!

Well I am needing to take a break so join me as holidays are about to begin. 

FSM will be back with another episode after December 1st.

Happy Thanksgiving!